New Earth

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Thawn walked up and down.. looking tensed.. How can they both go from evil to good so fast...
Dark: Love makes you do crazy stuff.. for Melcome it's the love he has for his daughter and for Snart it's his friends.. 
Thawn: let's just hope that the tinkering we did on their brains will pay off..
Dark: you sure that they'll remember absolutely nothing?
Thawn: well that is the goal.. now we wait until they're conscious..

After 20 minutes Snart and Melcome regained their consciousness. They didn't remember anything.. so to say Thawn's plan had worked.. Thawn and Dark took advantage of the fact that they didn't know who they where and gave them New identities..
They told Melcome that his name is Joe Johnson , he's Eobard's business partner and they're friends..
They told Snart that his name is Charles Darwin, he's an mechanical engineer , owns his own company and that he too is their friend..
Not only did Thawn give them a new identity but he also altered their personality to which they adapted quicker then thought..

Dark informed Thawn about the breaches.. Thawn knew who it was..
Thawn: it's our friends Damien.. let them enjoy this new world with our altered citizens..
Dark: why am I so exited?
Thawn: cause this is going to be fun...

The legends thought that Eobard was doing everything with the help of the spear of Destiny , but that wasn't the truth... Eobard couldn't go back to that time again because that was a fixed time .. so if he went there , he would end up getting killed by zolumon hunter..
That is why Eobard travelled into the future.. further than his own time. He stole a tech there .. this tech was like the one RIP had used on king Arthur in Lancelot, but only more advanced..
Eobard had inserted everyone with a bug in their brains.. these bugs where so strong and hi tech that it could wipe out a person's whole memory with the touch of a button..
Eobard wiped out the memory of the people who already lived on that earth using another device.. he then told them all a story about him and the other three .. this story was actually what Eobard and Damien Dark wanted to be their reality.. and the end of the story he told the people to go back to their normal life's and go along with the story as if it was the reality..
The people of earth one where being controlled by the bugs in their brains..
Even Snart and Melcome had absolutely no memory , the bugs in their brains where to make sure they didn't get their memory back.. and to keep track of them..

The legends, team Arrow and Team Flash ... they all came out one by one...
This Earth was the same as earth 1 yet it was so different.. Cisco suggested that if this is exactly like their earth then maybe there is a starlabs..
They all headed there..
When they arrived there.. there was a Starlabs , but is wasn't like the one back home .. this one was well a dump.. yet a good place to stay underground suggested Oliver..
Oliver: if it's not necessary we will not fight..
Mick: what's the fun in that?
Oliver: our priority is to get our people back home .. but if it does go down to fighting.. we will..
Barry: we won't just go out.. first let Cisco scan this place so we know how it differs from our earth.. if that is possible
* looks at Cisco who is trying to get a complete scan of this place*
Cisco: Yes we're in baby.. okay so I scanned Central City and Starling City.. and it's kinda the same with different companies.. like no Mayor Queen.. it's well Mayor Dark.. and here we have .. you have guessed it Mayor Thawn..
Sara : I thought Snart..
Mick: that would be funny..
Cisco : actually on earth 2 .. Leonard Snart is the Mayor..
Barry: Cisco?!
Cisco: oh okay yea sorry.. so I was thinking roleplay..
Nate: why would you think of that?
Oliver: it's not the time Cisco..
Cisco: no , no I mean that.. well we cannot just barge in anywhere you know.. so I thought we could fit in like normal people.. you know... look for a job somewhere.. and just be part of the crowd.. so we could find the others .. and not get noticed..
Oliver: sounds like a plan.. good thinking Cisco..
* everybody agrees *
Barry: but .. umm ID's ..
Cisco: I can make them and find us all a job.. I'll need help though..
Nate: Ray , Stein and I can help..
Cisco Okay.. so let's get to work.. tomorrow morning we start to..  you know.. roleplay..

The next day*
Cisco handed out the ID's and a file with their papers and the place where they were going to work..
Sara: we already have a job?.. how?..
Ray: online interview.. we filled in and  submitted it.. most of you got hired quickly..
Mick: I'm a teacher?.. this is going to be fun..
Barry: I'm an p.a ? Really..?  Who's this Charles Darwin?
Nate: he's a tech genius.. owner of Darwin tech..  he's a nice guy.. is what we found out..
Barry: okay.. 
Sara: I'm a dance intructer.. cool
Stein: most of you ladies are going to be dancing..
Caitlin : I'm a dentist
Nate: well .. except you..

Oliver: I'm a gym intructer.. very funny..
Cisco: let's start the roleplay people..
Amaya: please stop saying that..
Cisco: okay.. okay sorry..

^Author's Note^
Even though I mentioned everyone .. I'm going to focus on Barry and Charles  ( Leonard)
So I'll only write about their time together.. and maybe mention the others now and then...
- if you're reading this it means you choose to read my book.. and you came so far.. thank you for reading this fanfic ♡..  enjoy the rest of the story ♡

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