Finding out the truth 💥

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As Charles headed towards his office he received a call from a Joe Johnson (Melcome Merlin) he had found something.. it was really big.. he didn't say much , he just told Charles to meet him emidiatly.
When Charles walked in Joe's office he didn't get the chance to really say a thing.. Joe pulled him into a soundproof room and locked it after him..

Joe started telling what he had found out..
You remember the meeting, the one you skipped.. it didn't take place.. it was at Starling City.. at Damien's place.. they had to go somewhere..
So I thought that if they weren't there I could go to that one place behind the  Dark mansion. That building was guarded like crazy.. but as you know for my amazing fighting skills.. I knocked them all out..
* Charles raised one eyebrow * okay , okay I shot them all.. I checked for Cameras.. there were none .. so I went in ..
The whole place was like ...abandoned.. I took out that device you made.. the one which can detect electricity levels.. so it showed me that on the 3rd floor.. they were using a lot of it .. so I went to the third floor.. again guarded.. but well .. I don't know how , but I was able to well.. kill them all ..
I went in the room that they were guarding..
That place was like full with monitors and a big ass weird looking machine..
Did you know that he was spying on us the whole time.. I even saw you with your new assistant.. they monitor like a lot of places.. especially Starling City and Central City..

Charles: what? .. I knew something wasn't right.. but this?.. why are they spying on us? I mean we do everything they ask for..

Joe : that's because we aren't who we think we are..

Charles: what?

Joe : get ready for the big shocker ..
I hacked into his system again thanks to the hacking software you made for me..and  well first of all .. I saw dots on the map .. not much.. but still .. they were people.. we were one of them to..
I found a file with information about all the "dots" and from what I understood.. our brains have somehow been altered .
I know, I know .. crazy talk.. but trust me okay..
Our names aren't Joe Johnson and Charles Darwin..
I'm Malcolm Merlin and you are Leonard Snart..

Charles: what?!.. how ?! Can you prove it?

Joe: ofcourse.. but that's not all .. we aren't even from here.

Charles: what ?.. are we Alie...

Joe: No, but close, we are from another earth.. so yea the theory was right, there are in fact different earths ...   and this one.. well this one isn't ours..
I made sure I copied all the data and I took pictures of the files, I deleted my tracks.   Literally...
Here are all the information and pictures * hands Charles an IPad *
I read about myself.. kinda a bad guy.. but I still want to go back Charles.. this place isn't our home.. I .. I have a daughter.. she hates me.. but I want to see her ..

Charles takes the IPad and starts reading.. he soon finds out about Barry and Leonard Snart.. he found out that he has a sister ..
Charles was shocked, angry and yet happy to actually know who he was.. he remembered Barry telling him that he had something to tell him.. he found out that Barry was a speedster like Eobard.
Eobard used the formula ,that he helped him prepare, on Barry .. to take his speed.. he read about everything ..
He realised why Barry mattered so much.. he also realised that Barry , his sister and his other friends.. they were here to rescue them , but Eobard was monitoring them.. since the dat they arrived..
Charles knocked off everything on the table in anger ..

Leonard : we have to do something..
We have to get ours and the others memories back.. we have to find a way to get back to our earth  .. and most importantly destroy everything they have , maybe even them.. but we have to do it without letting them know.

Melcome : how? We can do stuff.. but how are we going to hide it from them ..?

Leonard: you remember that machine you saw.. it looks like we could get everyone their memories back with it.. we just to crack the codes.. cause that part of the data you got is kinda locked.. it won't take much time.

Melcome: I hope it doesn't, because Eobard and Damien have organised a party for the four of us.. it looks like he is going to do something.. because most of the people in the file are invited.. including that assistant of your' s

Leonard: don't worry.. thanks to the tech back at my house.. we will be able to crack this .. and be in time to party..

Melcome: I don't know why I just have this immense feeling to shoot an arrow trough their chest or maybe like cute their heads of with a really sharp sword..

Leonard: o God !.. you're so dark .
Let's go to my place and start the work.

It took them hours, but they did it.. they found out how to deactivate all the bugs and Leonard made the formula again to get Barry his speed back.

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