The party ( final battle)

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As Barry returned.. everybody was already getting ready.. so went to get ready.. Caitlin had put a nice suit on his bed for him to wear .. he emidiatly  went to get ready.. after half an hour.. he was ready and went out to see if the others were ready..
Everyone looked their best.. As if someone was getting married.. they all checked everything , hidd as many weapons as they could to take along..
Barry didn't tell anyone about his speed .. or Leonard.. he just told Cisco that he was different.. that's all..

They all reached the party.. they went in.. surprisingly no one was checking for metal and stuff.. there were a lot of guards, but they just stood there..
Good for them.. they were able to get all the weapons inside..

The music was loud.. people were dancing.. to be honest.. it was on awesome party.. They all saw Thawn and Dark talking to some people..
Thawn saw them and walked towards them..
Thawn: well well well.. you guys are far from home..
Barry: so are you...
Thawn: Yea.. well this is our success party.. so be sure to have fun..
Sara: o we will have fun...    killing you!
Thawn: wow.. well good luck with that here ..

Thawn walked away.. he thought he had everything under control.. which he didn't.. he was so obsessed with everything.   That he didn't even know  what Snart and Malcolm had done.. poor guy..

The party was getting hyped.. Oliver instructed everyone.. on their first attack on the legion   ..
People were singing.. and others enjoying the music or dancing..

Sara had a clear shot at Thawn , but was soon interrupted , the music had stopped.. that's when Dark Yelled ..
There they are.. looking at the doorway..
They all looked that way to see.. Snart and Malcolm walk in.. honestly they both looked way younger than their age .. and they kinda had that playboy vibe coming from them..
Thawn: finally.. our other half.. people give it up for Charles Darwin and Joe Johnson..
* everyone cheered * now we are complete ..
Dark: You know what this means ... Let's get Crazy!!! * everyone cheering*

They all looked confused.. except Barry and Cisco..

Mick : way did he call Snart , Charles?
Sara: beats me..
Ray : maybe they are like the others.. they maybe don't remember us..

Barry winked at Leonard at directed his eyes towards the mic..
Leonard got the hint and laughed.. he told Malcolm which made him laugh too.. but then again.. Leonard never refuses Barry.. so he had to sing.. but he didn't know how..

Barry saw it and well ..
he started singing..
( Coldwater - Justin  Bieber)
Barry:🎶 everybody gets high sometimes you, what else can we do when were feeling low.. so take a deep breath and let it go.. you shouldn't be drowning on your own🎶
Leonard:... . and if you feel you're sinking I will jump right over into cold , cold water for you... and although time may take us into different places I will still be patient with you..🎶
Barry : 🎶and I want you to know , I won't let go.. I'll be your lifeline tonight.. I won't let go..🎶

Everyone started dancing along Barry and Leonard..  well not everyone..
Some were confused.. especially team legends and Eobard and Dark..
While team Arrow and Team Flash knew about Barry and Leonard.. they were still confused..
Cisco: guys.. I think Barry is distracting them..
Oliver: this is a good opportunity.. we should attack.. but be cautious..

Sara again looked for a good shot at Damien Dark.. but he was dancing.. so it was hard.. but she finally got one and so did Oliver.. they both aimed at him.. and pressed the trigger.. but Thawn saw it and quickly ran and changed the direction of the guns.. they fired in the air..
The music stopped.. all the guests got scarred and started screaming and running which created havoc..
It took awhile.. but they all ran away.. leaving team Arrow , team legends , team flash and The legion of doom behind..
All the guards came in running and aimed their gun at them.. surrounding them..
Eobard: you thought you could just come and kill us.. ?
Sara: we'll see about that..

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