Finally official

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It had been a year since Barry and Leonard were a couple. They had gotten really close and they got to know each other better. Leonard even arranged another house for them, this house belonged to Leonard's grandparents, even Lisa didn't mind them living there. Lisa went to Australia for her studies, so that she could be a real scientist. Everytime Leonard was in town, it would be the best time for Barry. They didn't get much time together, but they still made the best of it. Leonard was coming home for a month this time.. so Barry wanted it to be special. Barry took Iris ring shopping, yes he was going to propose to Leonard. He wanted it all to be perfect. On the other hand Leonard had the same thing on his mind. He ask Lisa to get his ring polished a month ago before she left, that ring was a gift from his mom, she had left that ring behind for him, for when he was all grown  up. Leonard was going to give Barry that ring.
Barry was checking everything for the second time, to see if everything was perfect. As he did that the door bell rang. Barry walked towards the door and opened it. As he opened the door he saw Leonard all dressed up just like he asked him to, holding a gift wrapped box in his hands. As Barry looked at Leonard face , his eyes, they were to die for. Leonard noticed Barry staring at him and he just smirked as always, Barry smilled back and pulled Leonard inside closing the door. Barry took the box out of Leonard's hands and put it on the table. Barry put his hands around Leonard's neck and just looked him in the eyes. Leonard put his hand around Barry's waist and pulled him closer. They looked each other in the eyes for sometime... Leonard leaned in for a kiss.. they kissed passionately... they had to stop to catch some breath and continued kissing.. after the kiss they went to sit on the couch.
Barry: what's in the box Len?
Leonard: why don't you look for your self Barry.
Barry opened the box and saw that it was filled with his favourite chocolates. Barry loved chocolates, he looked at Leonard and gave him a small kiss on the lips. Barry had ordered food, they ate and sat there talking about everything. Barry decided to play some music.

🎼 🎵if it's meant to be it'll be , it'll be, baby if it's meant to be.  So come on ride with me, ride with me and see where this thing goes🎵🎼

Leonard wasn't much of a dancer , but he couldn't resist Barry. They danced romantically , kissing, laughing, they forgot about everything and just danced. The music stoped, Barry was about to go and play something else, but Leonard stopped Barry.
Leonard went onto his knee
Leonard: Bartelemew Henry Allen, will you do me the honour of marrying me?
Barry was speechless... he looked at Leonard and a tear rolled down his cheek.
Barry: ofcours I will, I love you Leonard Snart.
Leonard: I love you too Barry Allen.
Leonard put the ring on Barry's finger.
Barry hold Leonard's hand and put the ring he bought for him on his finger. Leonard looked at Barry and kissed him.
Leonard: so.. we're engaged now?
Barry: yes we are. This means that you are mine now.. understood?
Leonard: All yours.
Barry: I still don't believe it.. it's like a dream. We made it so far.
Leonard: it's all real Barry..
Barry put his hands around Leonard's  waist and pulled him closer , kissing him. Leonard pulled Barry into the bedroom, where Barry pushed Leonard onto the bed. Barry took off Leonard's shirt then his. Leonard pulled Barry on the bed and went on top of him , they started kissing.........

The next day
Barry woke up.. he smelled something delicious and knew Leonard was preparing breakfast. He looked for his clothes and put them on and walked out towards the kitchen.
Leonard: Goodmorning sleepy head...
Barry: Goodmorning..
Barry walked towards Leonard and hugged him from behind.
Barry: it smells delicious...
Leonard: you must be hungry.. it'll be ready in a minute..
Barry: I love you Len.
Leonard: I love you too Scarlett..
Barry kissed Leonard and went to sit at the dining table.. Leonard brought the food to the table... they had breakfast.
Barry : when can I tell them about it..
Leonard: whose them and about what?
Barry: about us.. ready to get married..  to Cisco, Caitlin, Iris, Jo , Wally, Harry, Jesse, Lisa and all our other friends.
Leonard: yes.. you can tell them Barry.. you don't need my permission.
Barry: I know.. but are we ready for this.. I mean.. for the marriage?
Leonard: if you don't want to do this yet , I can wait Barry..
Barry: but I also don't want to wait..
Leonard: you're one confused person Barry..
Barry: No I'm not..  it's just that everything is going so smooth.. I'm afraid that something bad can happen  .. it scares me to think of being separated from you..
Leonard: Don't worry Barry.. nothing bad will happen.. and if by any chance it does , we'll go trough it together.. I promise..
Barry: see .. this is why I believe in us.
we can start by making a list of our friends.. and who's going to your best man and my best man.
Leonard: my best man? .. he doesn't even know that I'm alive.
Barry: Mick?
Leonard: yes.. my best friend and partner in crime..
Barry: why do you like him so much
.... you never told me about how you two became friends..
Leonard: I own my life to him Barry, It was my first time in jail .. I was still very young, the other kids wanted to make it clear who was the boss.. they beat me up .. one of them had a knife..  I thought that I was going to get killed, but Mick came and saved me from them. After that we just stuck together, even if we got into fights we would end up just forgetting it..  He is my family Barry, just like Lisa and you.. all of you..
Barry: I didn't even know that Heatwave had a soft side.. and if he is your family, he is our family, just don't tell Jo yet okay..
They both laughed at Barry's joke..

Barry had taken the day off , so that he could be with Leonard. They stayed at home all day .. either watching a movie or talking about their future or making out...
Barry could be all geeky and make silly jokes around Leonard..
Leonard just looked at him in aww every time he did something of sort. At night time Barry sat on Leonard's lap, they didn't talk.. they just enjoyed each others company.. as they both fell asleep on the couch.

The next day Barry told everyone at starlabs about how Leonard surprised him and how they were now engaged. Barry told them about their marriage plan. They all were so happy.. Iris and Caitlin were good friends with Leonard, they started teasing him, which he pretty much liked. They informed Lisa, who was so excited That she wanted to come back home.
Leonard and Barry decided to take their marriage plans into action when Leonard comes back from the vanishing point the next time. Meanwhile everyone was doing something that had something to do with the marriage . Barry had a challenging duty , how will he get Mick to the wedding. Barry now knew why Mick meant so much to Leonard and that's why it was important for him to get Mick to come to the  wedding.

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