Falling in love again ☇❤❄

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As they had their breakfast.. Charles asked Barry to tell him about himself and his family..
Barry told Charles everything... well kinda ..

Charles had this weird yet good feeling for Barry since the first time he saw him.. it was As if Barry had been his friend for a long time.. he never felt that way for his actual friends..
He somehow knew that he could trust Barry.. which was weird... because he didn't trust people that easily..
For that reason.. maybe.. he told Barry everything he felt about his friends..
He had this feeling for long time.. that something wasn't just right... but ever since he met Barry.. he forgot that he felt that way...
Charles was going to see Paris alone.. but he didn't know why he wanted to take Barry with him.. so he did..
Charles was a guy who never judged people by their gender .... he knew that if one day he falls in love.. it wouldn't matter guy or girl.. he would except it.. and it would be beautiful..

After they had breakfast... they left to wander around the beautiful city... they even left their car behind..
Charles felt this magnetic pull towards Barry , but he couldn't really do anything about it then to just ignore them...
The way Barry always had these weird puns that made no sense.. and weren't funny at all .. made him laugh.. he found it cute.. even the way Barry always Chuckled after his stupid jokes ..
Charles knew that he was falling in love with the young man he met yesterday... which was weird..
Is this what people call love at first sight? ..
They wandered the whole city round... they skipped lunch.. not realizing it.. Barry had to taste all the candy he saw.. and Charles joined him..
It was getting dark.. that's when they realised they didn't have lunch.. so Charles decided to go have dinner at a fancy restaurant ..

While having dinner they talked about how much fun they had..
Barry reminded Charles about the two meetings he had the next day..
Charles nodded.. and looked at the Schedule and realised that the meetings start at 1 o'clock...
They finished their dinner and left...
They decided to take walk ..

Barry: Paris is very beautiful at night..
Charles: * looks at Barry, seeing him admiring the view and smiled *  yes Barry .. it is ..
They both just looked at the Eiffel tower.. and admired the beauty..

Charles: it's getting cold.. we should head back now..
Barry: Yes..

They Went to the place where they parked the car.. and left for the hotel..

When they arrived at the hotel.. there was a fire ... everyone was outside watching as the fire department did their job.. that moment made Barry realise that he had no speed powers.. no talked about it.. but know it .made Barry feel miserable..
The hotel management told the people that they were shifted to the hotel further up.. but there was a problem... they didn't have a lot of rooms available for everyone.. so the people had to share rooms..
Charles: I hope you don't mind sharing a room with me Barry..?
Barry: No Charles... I don't mind.. ( why would he.. he was actually quite happy to stay with Leonard)

They got escorted to their room.. it wasn't the same as their other room.. it was much smaller..

Barry: you can sleep on the bed Charles... I'll take the couch ..
Charles: oh don't... the bed is big enough.. just don't kick me..
Barry chuckled... yes .. I mean no I won't kick you..
Charles: well it's quite late..
Barry: Yes.. and we have two meetings..
Charles: yea.. let's sleep ..

They both changed and went to sleep...

Charles felt some movement next to him which he ignored a few times, but then he heard sobbing.. this made him turn to look at Barry..
Barry was having a nightmare... he was sweating and crying.. this scarred Charles... he didn't think twice and put his hand on Barry's chest.. trying to wake him up..
Barry opened his eyes.. still crying and terrified.. he looked at Charles and started to cry even more..

Barry: I thought I lost you.. I thought I'd never see you again.. why did you leave me like that.. you know I love you.. you're my life.. my everything..

Barry put both his hands on Charles cheeks..

Barry: say that you won't leave me.. say that you'll stay with me please.. say that you'll always be right here with me sat it..

Tears falling down... it was to painful for Charles to watch.. he actually started to fall in love with Barry.. and seeing him like this was heartbreaking for him... he knew Barry wasn't fully out of his nightmare.. .. he couldn't take it anymore..

Charles: Yes Barry.. I promise you.. I'll always be with you.. I'll never leave you.. I promise.. I..... I..  l....ove you..
Barry: I love you too..

Barry just looked in Charles' eyes ... he shifted his hands from his cheeks to his neck and him towards him.. so much that Charles was on top of Barry and their lips were cm away..
Charles didn't know why he just wanted Barry so much at that time..
Since the day he saw him... he fell in love with Barry.. but didn't let anyone notice it.. he didn't accept it in away..
But now being so close to Barry.. he couldn't control himself... he had to close the gap between them... so he pushed his lips against Barry's...
Barry kissed him back.. which made him climb completely on Barry as they kissed passionately...

The next day Charles woke up first.. Barry was sleeping on his chest.. it warmed his heart to see Barry's innocent face.. so peacefully..
Charles lightly pushed Barry's head on the pillow as he stood up.. Barry wasn't fully in his consciousness when he kissed him.. it was the most amazing feeling ever.. and it was real.. but he didn't know how Barry would react .. so he left to get ready.. and to avoid eye contact with Barry..

After some time Barry woke up... it was the first time in a very long time.. that he felt happy .. he remembered kissing Leonard... it was so real .. like he really kissed him.. but how?..
He looked around for Charles... he found a note :

Hey Barry ,
Remember meeting at 1 o'clock sharp , don't forget the notes.
I'll see you there.

Barry looked at the clock .. it was almost 12.. so he hurried himself..
He reached at the reception at 12:30 .. he saw the driver and hurried himself.. when Barry reached at the place of the Meeting it was almost time.. he didn't get time to talk to Charles.. the meeting lasted longer than expected.. so they emidiatly started the second meeting.. which also lasted longer...
After the Meeting they grabbed pizza on their way to the hotel... they talked.. but none mentioned anything about last night..

In the room.. Barry was watching tv.. and Charles was reading a magazine..
Charles somehow felt the need to know if Barry liked him back or not.. if he even remembered anything.. of last night..

Charles: you talk in your sleep..
Barry: (getting all red, as he turned to face Charles) me?
Charles: well yea.. you were crying...
Barry: I sometimes get nightmares ..
Charles: oh... I had to comfort you..
Barry: ( blushing to the highest level) y..y..you did? ( stood up) h..how?
Charles: (Stood up) well it was quite easy..
Barry: ( walked towards Charles) it was?.. how did you? ..
Charles: I can show you ..

Tip: listen to "Still falling for you"  by Ellie Goulding .. 
For that extra feel 💖😍

Charles walked closer to Barry and put his hand on Barry's hips pulling him closer..
As if it was a reflex .. Barry put both his hands around Charles' neck .. pulling him into a kiss... which was even more deep and passionate this time..
They stopped kissing and just looked each other in the eyes..

Charles: I love you..
Barry: you do?
Charles: since the first time I saw you..  I can't explain how.. I don't know.. I... I just ... I just fell for you..
I.. I..
Barry: I love you too Charles.. I fell for you .. but I don't know when.. I just did..
Charles: I want you.. I need ... you..
Barry: I'm not going anywhere..
Charles: I want you for always
Barry: and forever.. .. unreal ..
Charles: it's real.. Barry... you and me .. it's real..

Barry pulled Leonard in for another kiss... then he pushed him on the bed.. still kissing..  they kissed for awhile........ 💝💞💦

They fell asleep.. just like before... Barry on Leonard's chest .. Leonard's hand around Barry..
For that moment.. it didn't look like anything had changed...
They were just Barry and Leonard..💖

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