❤The wedding ❤

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Barry was in his room getting ready for his big day..
Iris , Caitlin, Cisco, Wally and Jo were there.. talking to him giving him a speech... Barry wasn't really interested in that.. he just couldn't wait to see Leonard..
They weren't allowed to see each other for 3 days..

It's really here.. I can't believe it.. said Barry.. looking in the mirror again ..
Cisco: dude!! Stap looking in the mirror.. it's going to get tiered of your face..
Caitlin: shut up Cisco... let him..
Iris: Yes..  it's his big day.. ..
Are you nervous Barry...
Barry: no... I'm... maybe a little. 
Jo: it's your wedding.. you should be.. it's a good thing.. okay..
Barry: Yes.. thank you..

Mick walked with Lisa.. he opened Leonard's room's door.. he was sitting on the bed looking at his hands..

Lisa: are you okay Lenny?
Leonard: Yes.. yes I'm okay..
Mick: you aren't nervous are you?
Leonard: * sighs* Yes I am..
Mick laughed ..
Mick: why are you nervous?
Leonard: I guess.. it's just.. I love him too much... but my past.. I don't want anything to happen to him..
Lisa: nothing will happen Lenny.. if it makes you feel better... he's the Flash..
Leonard: yea he is..
Mick: ughh..  that face.. you look stupid..
Lisa: he looks like his in love..
They both make fun of Leonard.. making him laugh..
Leonard: okay both of you .. just shut up and help me with my coat..

Tip: for that extra feel.. listen to this ~~♡
Song: Dusk till Dawn 🎶💗 Zyan Malik ft. Sia🎶🎶💗❤

( pictures of Barry and Leonard above )

Leonard and Barry met in the hallway.. from there they walked the aisle together.. Leonard took Barry's hands into his..
Barry: you look handsome..
Leonard: I was going to say the same for you.. .. I think I just fell more in love with you..

The priest :
We all are here together to witness the holly matrimony of this amazing couple..
I believe that you have written your own vows .. please go ahead..

Barry: I never knew that we would get so far.. when I met you I hated you, because I didn't know you .. but when I got to know you.. I could see the good in you.. in the little things you did.. I saw you change from a Cold hearted jerk to the man you are now , the man who I can't live without, and I couldn't be more proud of you and thankful for that day my heart skipped a beat seeing you standing infront of me.. I love you Leonard..

Leonard: I don't know how.. but since I met you .. I started to change.. I had done horrible things.. yet you saw good in me.. I remember that day you told me that there's going to come a day that I'd see that.. I did.. you're the reason for all the good I do.. and I know that if I ever get unsure.. I'll have you by my side.. you're my hero Barry.. and I wish that I never have to live a day without you.. I love you Barry ..

The priest: Mr Bartholomew Henry Allen ,do you take Leonard Lewis Snart to be you lawful wedded husband?
Barry: I do

The priest: Mr Leonard Lewis Snart , do you take Mr Bartholomew Henry Allen to be your lawful wedded husband?
Leonard: I do ..

I here by grand you two lawful6 married.. you may now kiss each other..

After the wedding reception.. everybody left.. one by one.. the newlyweds left too.. Leonard had renovated their house.. which Barry didn't know much about..

They both arrived at their house.. Barry noticed the newly painted house.. and looked at Leonard..
Leonard: that's not all my love..
As they entered.. Barry was surprised to see how amazing their house looked..
Barry: it's so beautiful.. I love it.. but..
Leonard: don't worry.. it's my money that I used .. not the ones I stole .. this all came from my family heirloom .. apparently I had quite rich grandparents ..

SMUT ALERT, mature content ⚠

Barry looked at Leonard and smiled.. I love you Captain Cold.. and I don't know how I'm falling more and more in love with you ..
I might make you fall for me even more .. after tonight.. said Leonard smirking..

Leonard pulled Barry into a kiss.. Barry put both his hands around Leonard's neck .. Leonard licked Barry's lower lip, asking for permission to enter.. Barry opened his mouth and the wrestling of the tongues began.. Leonard removed Barry's coat and shirt .. now kissing his collarbone.. which made Barry moan.. Leonard smiled hearing Barry moan.. he picked Barry up bridal style and took him to the bedroom..
He layed Barry on the bed..
Barry pulled Leonard onto the bed and climbed on top of him .. he first unbuttoned Leonard's shirt and started placing kisses on his chest till his jaw.. to his mouth.. this made Leonard moan... Barry felt some growth underneath him..
"Well someone's getting exited".. Barry said teasing ..
Leonard pulled Barry so he was now on top again .. he started to un buckle Barry's pants.. this action of his made Barry moan as he felt his member getting hard.. Leonard pulled off Barry's pant and boxer at once... revealing his member , begging for attention...  Leonard placed a kiss on the head which sent shivers trough Barry's body as he moaned loudly..
Within minutes Leonard was bobbing his head taking Barry's full length.. Barry was a hot panting mess.. he felt he was reaching his climax and put his hands on Leonard's head and said.. " I'm almost  ..." he couldn't finish his sentence as he came in Leonard's mouth .. Leonard swallowed it and started to kiss Barry not long before he turned Barry around... kissing his back.. nibbling on his ear ..
" please do it" " I can't wait to have you inside me Len " Barry whispered
He heard as Leonard unbuckled his belt.. then removing his pants and boxer tossing it across the room..
" are you ready for me Bear?"
Barry nodded..
Leonard slowly entered Barry , which made Barry arch his back..
Leonard waited for Barry to adjust.. when Barry gave him a nod .. he started thrusting into him.. first slowly.. then picking up speed with every thrust ..
The room filled with the beautiful sounds of love making..
As Leonard reached to his climax.   He felt the walls getting tighter again his member  ... he groaned loudly before filling Barry with his seeds .. they rode the climax together...
Leonard collapsed next to Barry...

Barry put his head on his chest.. and said.. " I love you more than anything in the world " " you're my dream come trough "
" you're my word Barry, I want to be with you for Always and forever  " " I can't describe how much I love you " but I'll make sure to show it to you everyday " said Leonard..

They both fell asleep knowing that it was just the beginning of an amazing future together...

Who would have guessed that they'd even like each other..
But here they were .. happily married.. crazily in love.
They made it this far, but this was just the beginning of an amazing new life heading towards them.. ❤💖

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