Charles Darwin

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Barry walked nervously into the big building.. he went up to the receptionist..
Barry: my name is Barry Allen..
Receptionist: ahh .. Mr Allen.. you're on time... Mr Darwin will like that.. he's not here yet though.. you can wait in his office.. I'll walk you their and I'll explain the rules and your job.. on the way..
Barry: okay..
* the receptionist her name was Rose.. she literally explained Barry everything.. as she walked Barry to Mr Darwin's office.. which was on the 26th floor..
Rose: here we are Mr Allen.. soon Mr Darwin will come to collect some papers and go to a meeting in Paris .. where he will stay for 3 days top .. you'll have to stay with him.. because he will be attending meetings and you will be needed ... I hope that wouldn't be a problem..
Barry: no.. no it's ok..
Rose: don't worry Mr Darwin is not like other rich people.. he's nice.. trust me.. and he'll teach you you're work and not just overload you with stuff that you're not familiar with..
Barry: okay thank you.. but ummm.. shouldn't I get some clothes and stuff?..
Rose: don't worry.. you will get time and money to buy some..
Barry: okay..

Barry messages Cisco
To Cisco: Hey I need to go to Paris for three days with my boss .. for some work..
From Cisco: damn .. cool dude.. keep looking for familiar faces .. we'll keep looking here..

Mr Allen.. said a very familiar voice..
Barry turned around and saw the man he loves so much... Barry wanted to hug and kiss Leonard.. and tell him how much he loves him and how he missed him.. but he couldn't..
Barry: Yes ss..sir
Charles: why do you look so terrified Mr Allen? I don't bite ..
Barry: no sir .. I'm not scarred.. it's just.. ummm..
Charles: I know.. I know first day of work and all.. well don't we nervous.. okay..
Barry: okay sir..
Charles smiled at Barry and stoke his hand out.. I'm Charles Darwin.. but you can call me Charles.. okay..
Barry shook his hand.. my name is Barry Allen sir.. I mean Charles..
Leonard couldn't help but chuckle..
Charles: okay Barry.. I hope Rose told you about our trip..
Barry: Yes she did.... Charles
Charles: great.. I'll grab my files and we'll leave in 15 minutes okay
* patted on Barry's shoulder * you have a lot to learn.. in a little time.. hope you're up for it kid..
Barry smiled when Charles said kid..
Barry: Yes sir.. I mean Charles.. I'm ready..
Charles: let's go then..

They headed to the airport.. where they went on Charles' private plane ..
Charles: what made you apply for the job Barry?
Barry: oh.. ummm .. I'm new in town and I needed a place to stay and also earn money to pay for the place.. so before I came here.. I looked for a job.. and well here I am..
Charles: so.. you don't have a place to stay yet?
Barry: umm no.. I mean i stay at a hotel.. I didn't get a chance to look for a apartment... but when I go back I'll start looking for one..
Charles: well because you're new you don't know this.. but if you work at a company like mine and you don't have a place to stay.. we provide it.. so mail me your details.. and when we go back.. there will be an apartment waiting..
Barry: really.. oh my God thank you Charles.. I'm really thankful..
Charles: you're welcome Barry..  you do know that.. you will be handling all of this right...
Barry: yea Rose told me..
Charles: Great... now we still have two hours till we land.. here are the details of the first meeting.. and you will find details of the other meetings.. check it and take some rest.. we will attend a meeting first and then go to the hotel... okay.. got it .
Barry: Yes Charles..

Barry looked at Charles as he took a sip from his wine .. he started writing down the details of the Meeting on his writing pad..  he felt so happy to be so close to Leonard.. yet he could not express his feeling.. he took a peek every now and then...  Barry thought that he would have to face an evil Snart.. which terrified him.. but this Snart was so.. so nice.. a good guy.. how ?.. why didn't Eobard make him evil..?.. it was weird for sure.. but still satisfying that he didn't turn evil.. Barry admired Leonard's way of dressing and the way he behaved.. not  exactly like the Leonard he knew.. but yet it was him.. and that's what mattered..

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