Deepest desires and deepest fears prt2

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*At starlabs*
Caitlin , Felicity and Harry were doing everything they can to find a clue of Barry's whereabouts meanwhile Iris was with Jo and Wally, they were looking for Barry with the help of the CCPD.
Cisco and Oliver walked in.
Caitlin: did you find anything?
Cisco: No but we will soon.
Caitlin: how ( letting a tear out)
Oliver: Snart and his rouges are looking for him too.. They will find something don't worry Caitlin.
Caitlin: wait what? Snart?
Cisco: it's a long story..

Meanwhile Snart walked in.
Snart: I think we might have an hit
Caitlin: Snart?
Harry: Captain Cold?
Oliver: what is it?
Snart: shakes his head and looks at Oliver.
Some of my men found an warehouse where they keep kids toys. The workers haven't returned home and people around are also missing. And a drunk saw a man in a doctor's coat kidnap a young man in a blue hoodie.
Caitlin: Doctor secret... he wears a doctor's coat... we were looking for him when Barry disappeared.
Oliver: well from the looks of it .. he found Barry first. We have to go there now. Before something bad happens .
Leonard: we should go prepared .. we need more help. Because if the guy is capable of kidnapping so many people.. he isn't alone.
Harry: yes you're right . I'll contact Jo.
We can meet up at the warehouse.
Oliver: okay suit up and let's go.

In the meantime Caitlin went to Snart
Caitlin: how can someone change this much?
Snart: what do you mean Snow?
Caitlin: you're helping us save Barry, the same Barry that you tried to kill , the one you hated so much.. why? How?
Snart: let's just say .. being almost dead can change someone a little bit. And after all it was Barry who told me there is good in me.. someone who can get a person to change so much in a good way.. does deserve to be saved right?.
Caitlin looked at Snart and hugged him..
Caitlin: thank you Captain Cold..
Snart: you're welcome.. Frosty..
They both chuckled and left with the rest of the team for the warehouse.

* The warehouse *
De police saw Captain Cold and pointed their guns in his way.. your guns down .. his with us.. he's helping us save Barry,said Jo.
Jo: so what's the plan? ...
Oliver as Green Arrow : we can't just go in..
Leonard: yes.. we need to know how many people are inside.. how many hostages and if Barry is inside..
Jo: we need to find another entrance then..
Oliver: yes .. look around everyone..
A cop: there's a door here.. it's unlocked..
They all carefully went inside..
Oliver: the hostages are here.. all of you go and get them out of here..
Leonard and I will look for Barry.. be careful okay..
They all separated..
Oliver: I'll go upstairs.. u check there (pointing towards stairs that lead down).
Oliver went upstairs while Leonard went downstairs...
As Leonard reached the last steps he heard voices.. he slowly walked towards the sounds of the voices... the voices belonged to Dr Secret and another guy.. Barry was tight up and tears rolling down his cheeks...
Leonard couldn't see Barry condition and just walked in firing his cold gun at the two guys feet.. which made them scream loud.. Leonard ran towards Barry and started to untie his hands.. Barry looked up with tears filled in his eyes.. Leonard .. you came.. after Barry's hands were untied.. Leonard tried to get Barry on his feet.. .. once Barry was on his feet .. he looked at Leonard..
Leonard: you are okay now.. you are save Scarlett.
Barry just thought about how Dr Secret revealed that Barry had feelings for Leonard and he didn't realise it.. Barry looked at Snart and hugged him really tight..
Leonard: I got you Barry..
After sometime Jo, Cisco and Oliver ran inside to see Barry hugging Snart..
Barry are you okay? They said
Leonard: I don't think he is.. he's been hugging me like this for sometime now and isn't replying to anything..
Cisco: Dr Secret must have showed Barry something that might have scared him.
Jo: let's just get him back home..
Barry let's go..
Barry didn't reply.. he stayed the same way.. just tears coming out of his eyes continuously..
Jo looked worried..
Leonard: you guys go.. I'll bring him ..

*At starlabs *
Caitlin examined Barry while everyone else was thanking Captain Cold for his help.
Leonard: it's time for me to go.
Cisco: you're going to use that portal again?
Caitlin: stay here for sometime.. we could use a not so bad Captain Cold.
Iris: yea .. it's not like everyday you see captain cold being nice to us.
Leonard: maybe I will Cisco. Don't get used to it Miss West.
Jo: so you're staying right?
Leonard: No.. I mean I'll be in Central City.. but not here.. my sister doesn't know about.. you know.. that I'm alive.. so I guess I'll go home for sometime.
Barry: wait up..
Leonard: you should be resting Barry.
Barry: yea yea.. just wanna thank you for helping me.. Captain Cold...
Leonard: yea.. whatever..
They both walk out of the room..
Barry: see u are a hero after all..
Leonard: don't say that again Scarlett.. I'll see you around.
Barry: take care..
Leonard: I will.. bye Scarlett .
Barry: Bye Snart .

Barry smilled looking at Leonard Snart as he walked away...
Barry: I can't believe this changed so much.. my enemy.. now the guy I love? Who would have thought.
What does the future hold for us Leonard?...
Barry walked back inside..

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