The confession

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It had been almost a week. Leonard Snart was still in town. Barry and Leonard went for coffee a couple of times. Snart noticed Barry's changed behaviour, but didn't say a thing..
Who knew.. maybe Snart felt the same way.. but didn't realise it yet. It would explain why even though he claimed that he hated the flash.. he never really killed him even if he had the chance.
Barry was in a fix.. he had to tell someone. What if he was taking it all wrong. What if Leonard started hating him again. He had to talk to someone.. he needed advice and support.
Sinds Oliver Queen was still in town , Barry decided to talk to him first.
Barry called him and asked him to meet him at Jitters.

*At Jitters *
Oliver: what is it that you want to talk about Barry?
Barry: I... emmm... I wanted to talk to you about someone.
Oliver: who?
Barry: it's confusing.. I hated him.. but then I started liking him and some events that happend recently.. made me realise that I like him more then I liked him..
Oliver: so ... you're in love with a guy?
Barry: if you put it that way .. I.. yes..
Oliver: it's Snart.. isn't it?
Barry: how did y...
Oliver: I noticed your affection for him at the warehouse.. when you hugged him so tight.. like if you would let him go .. he would leave you. Or something bad would happen to him.. does he feel the same way?
Barry: I don't know.. I don't think so.. I don't even know how I fell for him.. I mean like.. I loved Iris.. I fought myself .. my evil self to save her .. to be with her.. and after she said she moved on... it was like .. I never loved her in that way..
Oliver: well all this.. it's weird.. but do you feel when you're around him?
Barry: I feel free , happy... that's why I visited him so many times..
Oliver: I may not know if what you feel is correct.. or what future you both may have.. but I'll tell you something that I have learned the hard way.. if you love someone.. just tell them.. Don't be afraid to get rejected... because trust me the feeling you get when you're too late or when you have lost the person who could have been yours forever.. it's the worst.. it hurts like hell..
So just tell him what you feel Barry.. before it gets to late okay.. just go for it
Barry: thank you Oliver.. I know what I have to do .. what I want, but first I have to talk to Jo... See you soon Mayor Queen...
Oliver: Bye Barry.... wish you all the best...

*At Jo's house*
Barry: hi Jo
Jo: Barry .. what brings you here at this time... all okay I hope?
Barry: yea.. yea.. everything is okay.. I just needed to talk to you about someone..
Jo: is it about love?
Barry: yes ..
Jo : okay let's sit down and talk then..

Iris was there .. in the kitchen... she started listening..
Barry told Jo about how he felt about Snart ...
Jo was quiet for sometime and then spoke .
Jo: I don't know how to react Barry.. really Barry.. of all the people you fell for Snart?
Barry: I don't know how or when it happened.. but Jo.. I... I love him.. even though I don't know if he does feel the same way.
Iris walked in ..
Iris: Barry.. if you really feel that way.. you should tell him.. before it's to late.
Jo: Babbygirl .. you agree with all of this?.. but it's Snart.
Iris: I know it's Snart.. but haven't you seen how much he has changed dad.. he does say it's because of Barry .. it's Barry who told him.. that there is good in him .. and you can't argue with the fact that he is on his best behaviour.
Barry: thank you for understanding Iris, Jo?
Jo: Barry.. I can't accept it right away .. but I know you and yea I saw the change in him.. if you want this.. I'll be right by your side.. we all will be because we love you..

*Barry receives a msg from Snart *
Snart: hey Scarlett... It's time for me to go.. the timecounsel needs me there.. see you next time... bye, Leonard

Barry: he's leaving...
Jo: now?
Iris: what are you waiting for.. go!!
Barry: okay..
Barry rushes to the safehouse where Leonard is going to leave from.

* At the safehouse *
Barry: wait!!
Leonard: Scarlett?.. you miss me already ?.
Barry: I need to tell you something.. something important..
Leonard: I'm listening Barry..
Barry takes a deap breath...
Barry: I love you..
Leonard stares at Barry..
Leonard: what?..
Barry: I'm so sorry.. but I had to tell you.. I don't think you feel the same way.. but .. I really love you...
Leonard: I'm confused Barry... how?.. when?.. was it me who gave you mixed signals.. I don't understand..
Barry: I'm sorry... I don't know what I was thinking... I'm sorry.. just... just forget about it.. like this never happend..
Barry turned around.. he felt embarrassed.. tears rolling down his cheeks.. just as he was about to speed off .. he felt a hand on his shoulder.
Leonard: wait Barry.. Don't leave yet ..
Barry turned around looking down.
Leonard tilted Barry's chin with his hands and looked him in the eyes..
Leonard: I said I was confused, not because of what you feel for me , but because... I feel the same way for you Scarlett.. but I was afraid that you didn't. I don't know how.. but sinds that day you came to the vanishing point.. I started feeling things I didn't understand or I didn't want to, because maybe those feelings scared me.
Barry: Really.. you mean it?.. does this mean??...
Leonard: I love you Barry Allen..
Barry: I love you too Leonard Snart..
They hugged each other for a long time... it was like if they let go.. they'd lose each other for ever ...
After sometime Leonard let go.. Barry looked him in the eyes.. his hands now around Leonard's neck ...
Leonard put his hands around Barry's waist.. and they looked each other in the eyes..
Barry: this feels like a dream.. how can this be true..
Leonard: it's real Barry... you and me it's real.
Barry placed his lips on Leonard's lips.. they kissed passionately .. tightening their hands around each other...
After the kiss
Barry: can't you stay here with me?
Leonard: I wish I could Barry.. I would never leave you...
Leonard: but I have to... I can however promise I'll return soon and then we can continue with this..
Leonard placed a small kiss on Barry's lips..
Barry smilled and kissed him back..
Barry: you beter return soon Captain cold.
Leonard: I promise.. I will Scarlett..
Leonard opened a portal and went in saying I'll miss you Barry.. I love you..
The portal closed...
I love you too Leonard Snart..

After a few days Barry told everyone that he and Leonard Snart are now together..
It was weird for them to except it at first... but when Leonard started visiting Barry more often they all just got used to it and excepted Leonard and Lisa into their family.

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