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The Sun dazzles brilliantly in the azure sky; profoundly illuminating pallid patches of land on earth,
Lets make it even better by standing directly beneath in it; rejuvenating our
dreary senses in its austerely stringent rays.

The swirling waves of gigantic ocean clash mercilessly with rocks; escalating
to phenomenal heights of froth in inclement weather,
Lets make it even better by completely submerging our silhouette in it; relishing the tanginess of water on our bare skins.

The flakes of freezing snow merrily trickled from the sky; inundating barren
territories of the mountain with thick sheets of white ice,
Lets make it even better by rolling voraciously in them; hurling them frivolously in pudgy chunks; at our beloved.

The fountain pen appeared to be enamoring; with an articulately chiseled nib
protruding from its slim mouth,
Lets make it even better by writing infinite lines of calligraphy with it; sketch mystical shapes out of the same; on plain sheets of sprawling canvas.

The wind blew tenaciously all day; engendering indolent clusters of leaves
riveted to the tree; to gustily blow,
Lets make it even better by confronting it head on; with the mesmerizing breeze clashing blatantly against the eye.

The tea looked stupendously ravishing in the pellucid kettle; with scented wisps of smoke profusely tantalizing the nimble hair in our nostrils,
Lets make it even better by gently sipping it; emitting incoherent noises while gulping it down our throat.

The aircraft appeared astoundingly exhilarating when sighted on the Black tarmac; with twin pairs of majestic wings projecting from its sides,
Lets make it even better by inhabiting the same; soaring high in the sky;
abreast the satiny clouds.

The lips looked luscious and voluptuous; with an unprecedented pink circumventing them in entirety,
Lets make it even better by uninhibitedly exploring them; tasting the
sweetness imbibed; violently with our tongue's.

The gloves lying on the mantel piece appeared pretty enthralling; with bulging
red sponge visible from far distance,
Lets make it even better by wearing them on our palms; judiciously testing
each other's fortitude; battling it out in the heart of the boxing ring.

The two lovers looked inevitably fascinating while embracing; unrelentingly
staring into each others eyes in a backdrop of panoramic waterfall,
Lets make it even better by allowing them the freedom to love; ubiquitously
spreading the essence of the same; in every individual we encounter on
planet earth.

The Power of Black - Poems on Humanity , Social Cause - volume 2Where stories live. Discover now