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Some had beautifully mesmerizing lips; with a voluptuously silken sheen enveloping their periphery,

Some had astoundingly sharp eyes; able to sight marathon distances; even in the most obfuscated and bleariest of light,

Some had robust muscled legs; running for astronomically long hours in the cold despite the armory of barricades and odds,

Some had exquisitely sculptured fingers; sketching and evolving a fleet of shapes encompassing all mankind,

Some had tenaciously hard fists; which could drill a hole through the acrid mountain; defend the country against salacious demon,

Some had a stupendously sparkling complexion; resembling the fairies and angels residing in Omnipotent realms of heaven,

Some had a delectably black color entrenching their entire face; a shade of dark impregnated in their demeanor which made them more enchanting than
every night,

Some had a height as tall as the ceiling; walking with profound authority and domination through the verdant countryside,

Some had a tongue which indefatigable spoke; sung; whistled and chirped sweeter than the melodious nightingale,

Some had a stature shorter than the shrub; appearing like divinely Moon Gods trespassing on the body of this planet,

Some had a memory as astonishing as the contemporary computer; deciphering mind boggling sums of arithmetic with incredulous efficacy,

Some had the remarkable talent to emulate any voice; entertained people for countless decades with the overwhelming manipulation of their sound,

Some had an insurmountably supreme command over vocabulary; spoke and wrote any language with ultimate command and grace,

Some had the amazing ability to acrobatically leap in the air; juggle several balls for boundless seconds at a time,

Some had the adroit skill of negotiation; were able to succeed in any
professional venture of life which they decided to undertake,

Some had the prowess to cook delicious morsels of enticing food; deluging the morbidly gloomy atmosphere with the aroma of freshly baked corn,

Some had the art of imparting knowledge; taught and dexterously handled children of all ages in innocuous school,

Some had the fiery flamboyance of the Sun; propelled the air jet at lightening speeds through vibrant carpets of floating air,

Some had a passionately beating heart; which fell in love the instant it witnessed the person of its dreams; the person of its kind,

Some had breath which ardently drifted down the nostrils; ignited the still ambience in vicinity; triggering it with their unsurpassable intensity into a fireball of vivacious flames,

O! yes. Every individual was a beautiful individual in some respect or the other; in some form or the other; and I have absolutely no inhibitions whatsoever in disclosing; of course with the mutual consent of Almighty God, that every human was indeed beautiful.

The Power of Black - Poems on Humanity , Social Cause - volume 2Where stories live. Discover now