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The best thing that the eyes could do; was to stare indefatigably into free space; relentlessly admire the mesmerizing treasures of this earth,

The best thing that the feet could do; was to walk tirelessly on the path leading towards victory,

The best thing that the flower could do; was to disseminate its aroma as far and wide as the world existed,

The best thing that the clouds could do; was to pelt down furiously;
gargantuan droplets of rain,

The best thing that the tongue could do; was to move vivaciously in the chamber of the throat and produce sound,

The best thing that the birds could do; was to spread their wings to wide angles; and then sweep buoyantly across the sky,

The best thing that the soil could do; was to proliferate millions of grains; evolve all the food which was necessary for existence,

The best thing that the scorpion could do; was to viciously swish its hideous fangs; and lethally strike,

The best thing that the snow could do; was to melt at lightening speeds under the celestial sun; and thereby cascade down the mountain in rivulets of
sweet water,

The best thing that the sea could do; was to rise high and swirling towards the sky; impetuously crash its massive assemblage of froth on the chain of
scintillating rocks,

The best thing that the sun could do; was to sizzle darkened areas on this planet with its brilliant shine,

The best thing that the dolphins could do; was to leap acrobatically in the ocean; add vibrancy and color to the otherwise pallid atmosphere,

The best thing that the telephone could do; was to passionately ring; portray the voice of the person opposite; crisp and crystal clear,

The best thing that the mosquito could do; was to hover pertinently in the vicinity of the eardrum; suckle ripe and youthful blood,

The best thing that the shirt could do; was to completely engulf the bare chest; sequester it from bizarre cold and shivering,

The best thing that the owl could do; was to keep awake all night; prudently watch the activities going on; without uttering the slightest,

The best thing that the gutter could do; was to accumulate tones of fetid sewage; diffuse a stench more obnoxious than the pig,

The best thing that the frog could do; was to gleefully skip around; croak discordantly to pollute the mystical ambience around,

The best thing that the poet could do; was to pen down infinite lines of enchanting verse,

The best thing that the stars shining in the cosmos could do; was to illuminate every person's fading night,

The best thing that the child could do; was to incessantly play; bang its innocent wrists demandingly into its mothers belly,

The best thing that the dog could do; was to bark vigilantly; petrify the ominous assailants to the last bone of their spine,

The best thing that the shoe could do; was to indiscriminately trample all that it tread upon,

The best thing that the pen could do; was chisel intricate calligraphy; emboss the surface of bonded paper with exquisite literature,

The best thing that the ball could do; was to bounce as soon as it struck the
hard floor,

The best thing that the candle could do; was to profoundly brighten the atmosphere with its escalating flames,

The best thing that the spider could do; was to ooze out sticky juice from its body; spin silken threads of its web in a matter of seconds,

The best thing that the glue could do; was to stick parchments of dispersed paper into a complete and single sheet,

The best thing that the binocular could do; was to facilitate the evanescent tip of the mountain to appear like a gas balloon,

The best thing that the king could do; was to judiciously govern his empire; drown himself into the aisles of uninhibited wine and pleasure,

The best thing that the wall clock could do; was to keep ticking all day and night; move its hands tirelessly in round circles to depict accurate time,

The best thing that the eraser could do; was to scrap across jumbled lines of dirt; magically transform the paper with a hundred blemishes into one; sparkling and
brand new,

The best thing that the mind could do; was to keep fantasizing; perceive the most exotic; spinning in countless different directions; even while in deep sleep,

The best thing that the lips could do; was to stretch themselves freely; smile and kiss,

The best thing that the muscles could do; was to swell themselves into a perfect curve; and forcefully punch the air,

The best thing that the key could do; was to dexterously break open through the mechanism of the iron lock,

The best thing that the diamond ring could do; was to amicably occupy a place on the engagement finger,

The best thing that the matchstick could do; was to ignite the entire warehouse; into a blazing ball of flames,

The best thing that the rope could do; was to hoist the pail of water from the unfathomable depths of the well,

The best thing that the towel could do; was scrupulously scrub all the dirt and water adhering to the skin; metamorphosing an unruly devil into an angel,

The best thing that the tortoise could do; was to recede its neck back into its cozy shell; and live for a thousand years,

The best thing that the fountain could do; was to catapult high in the air; shower all across into boundless droplets of delectable froth,

The best thing that the scissors could do; was to articulately chisel shapes through cloth and paper; chop all unnecessary bits extruding out extravagantly,

The best thing that the worms could do; was to glow radiantly at night; while pertinently trespassing through the jungle,

The best thing that the saliva could do; was to rot after being spat on the ground; decay all palpable life in proximity; capsizing it in the wrath of disease,

The best thing that the drapery could do; was to sequester the castle from sweltering heat; ensure that the shadows lingered longer in acrimonious summer,

The best thing that the calculator could do; was to decipher enigmatic sums of arithmetic; evolve solutions to the most mind-boggling of puzzles,

The best thing that the toothbrush could do; was to poignantly caress the armory of teeth; extricate the last bit of dirt stuck in their cavity,

The best thing that the mouse could do; was to nibble gaping holes into the silken floss of cloth,

The best thing that the coffin could do; was to house the dead; impart heavenly peace to those tragically bereaved,

The best thing that the businessman could do; was spend hours on the floor of the stock market; adroitly contemplating the prices of rising and falling shares,

The best thing that the heart could do; was palpitate thunderously; romancing every instant of life,

And the best thing that a human could do; was to love till the time he lived; try and embody the same in each entity he confronted or was about to encounter

The Power of Black - Poems on Humanity , Social Cause - volume 2Where stories live. Discover now