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I will not rest; until all those disastrously impoverished; kiss the unprecedentedly jubilant corridors of prosperity; until every philanthropic desire of theirs metamorphoses itself into an immortal reality,

I will not rest; until all those treacherously enslaved; uninhibitedly dance in the aisles of mesmerizing desire; handsomely soar above the clouds of bountiful prosperity; for times immemorial,

I will not rest; until all those murderously devastated; replenish their lives back with astounding tranquility and ardent belonging; blissfully bond under the resplendent blanket of gregariously twinkling stars,

I will not rest; until all those penuriously kicked and brutally lambasted; blossom into a wave of enthrallingly wonderful newness; grandiloquently dance in symbiotic unison; for boundless more births to unveil,

I will not rest; until all those ludicrously condemned and ignominiously ostracized; irrefutably retrieve back their lost integrity; rise as a marvelously
united wind of togetherness; to add gloriously harmonious dimensions to; vibrant life,

I will not rest; until all those despairingly withering; flower exuberantly into euphoric spurts of vivacious existence; embracing fathomless more of their kind; in the swirl of compassionate sharing,

I will not rest; until all those deplorably orphaned and disastrously rebuked; tower to the zenith of rhapsodic happiness; deluging every cranny of their
despicably dwindling countenance; with fireballs of poignantly optimistic light,

I will not rest; until all those viciously massacring at will; transform themselves benevolently into synergistic saints; becoming the ultimate harbingers of peace and ubiquitously everlasting solidarity,

I will not rest; until all those manipulatively sucking blood; learn the art of holistically surviving; lead infinite more of their kind; into caverns of gloriously celestial peace and benign happiness,

I will not rest; until all those mercilessly pulverized under diabolical footsteps of prejudice; spawn formidably from beneath the inconspicuous ashes; to harness unsurpassable civilizations of philanthropic goodwill; with their very own blood,

I will not rest; until all those baseless terrorist masterminds; bend in due obeisance before the Almighty Lord; not only asking for abnegation from their
uncouth sins; but uplifting the lecherously bereaved to a world of fabulously divine enchantment,

I will not rest; until all those satanically starving urchins; were blessed with opulently charismatic fodder in their tottering stomachs; snoozed like angels of congeniality; under the golden rays of the blazing midday Sun,

I will not rest; until all those ungainly whipped with swords of bizarre commercialism; romance in the dormitories of untamed yearning; fantasize the most incredulously innovative philosophies; to emphatically change the complexion of despondent mankind,

I will not rest; until all those stinking in gutters of gloom; exuberantly bask under a carpet of unparalleled ecstasy; ebulliently gallop forward to conquer; their affably perpetual missions in life,

I will not rest; until all those innocuous squelched to a barbaric submission; patriotically gallivant with an unfathomable ardor to save their motherland in
their intrepid hearts; convert all indiscriminate racialism; into the one and
only Religion of Humanity,

I will not rest; until all those insidiously tainted with spots of untouchable banishment; scintillatingly sway in gorgeous unison under the vivid rainbow;
imbibing and globally disseminating the eclectically never-ending colors;
of perennially endowing life,

I will not rest; until all those traumatically cheated under broad daylight; escalate as a symbiotically coalesced fabric to alleviate dolorously staggering humanity; become a profusely bonded force to impregnable success,

I will not rest; until all those ghastily dumped under their venomous corpses; sprout up formidably to become the absolute messiah's of humankind; evolving a countless more altruistic lives; on every step that they graciously tread,

And I will not rest; until all those tyrannically broken and tumultuously aggrieved hearts; bond in the chapters of unassailably heavenly love; incessantly
throbbing with a sensuousness to live; incessantly throbbing with a longing to perpetually romance.

The Power of Black - Poems on Humanity , Social Cause - volume 2Where stories live. Discover now