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Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from optimistic light; slithering a world of
desperate malice; was the abominably vindictive scorpion for you.

Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from hedonistically decaying stench; blossoming
in an atmosphere of celestially redolent harmony; was the poignantly
pink Lotus for you.

Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from despairingly deteriorating lies; triumphantly dancing till times immemorial in sacred paradise; was the chapter of gloriously pristine truth for you.

Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from veritably pragmatic civilization; indefatigably trying to flagrantly jinx all blissful humanity; was the treacherously satanic ghost for you.

Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from dismally forlorn barrenness; spawning into
a cloudburst of newness every unfurling instant of life; was the blessedly
silken raindrop for you.

Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from fecklessly wanton boredom; enriching every ingredient of the atmosphere with the ultimate fabric of ecstasy; was the
vivaciously virgin rainbow for you.

Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from the chains of asphyxiating depression;
cascading into an endless stream of unbelievably sensuous beauty; was the timelessly majestic waterfall for you.

Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from the agonizingly traumatic teardrop; uninhibitedly plunging into a gorge of unsurpassably emollient victory; was
the blissful smile for you.

Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from the parasitic bombardment ghastly war;
unassailably towering against the most gigantic of devils on this Universe;
was the fortress of unconquerably handsome unity for you.

Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from the clutches of the insanely pulverizing
monster; fearlessly ruling the entire planet from within its diminutive cradle; was the new born baby infant for you.

Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from the seeds of astounding fertility; wailing
in unceremonious angst upon the haplessly deserted streets; was the vociferously clapping eunuch for you.

Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from the desolately maiming night; magically
ameliorating every tyrannized organism wits its Omnipotently sizzling rays;
was the exuberantly Omnipresent Sun for you.

Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from cursedly diminishing oblivion; unceasingly
ticking its way with every shade of changing light on earth; was the stupendous clock of immutable reality for you.

Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from the unsparingly devastating hurricane; caressing every organism with miraculously rejuvenating rest; was the heaven
of wonderfully resuscitating sleep for you.

Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from the horizon of spell binding memory; amazingly harnessing every untold truth and lie; every voice that floated inconspicuously on earth; was the inscrutably boundless
subconscious mind for you.

Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from the peerlessly liberated forests; heartlessly subjugating even the most pricelessly insuperable of emotion; was the manipulatively robotized corporate world for you.

Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from gorily invidious death; culminating into
freshness every unfurling minute of kingly existence; was undefeatedly Omniscient breath for you.

Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from every anecdote of pugnacious savagery;
limitlessly rendering invincibly compassionate warmth for an infinite more
lifetimes; was the inimitably venerated lap of the Mother for you.

Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from salaciously beheading betrayal; immortally
embracing one and all with unlimited power to procreate a countless lives;
was the flame of godly love for you.

And Ladies & Gentlemen. Far away from mundanely decrepit reality; romancing
in a whirlpool of seductively tantalizing fantasy; although there wasn't the
tiniest insinuation of currency coin in my pockets; the tiniest morsel of
food in my severely emaciated stomach; was me; yes me; exactly as Lord
Almighty had wanted me; just for you

The Power of Black - Poems on Humanity , Social Cause - volume 2Where stories live. Discover now