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I might be perpetually blind; being wholesomely oblivious to even the most cloistered beam of optimistic light; but does that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is ecstatically torrential and uninhibited; on
this fathomlessly enamoring Universe?

I might be perpetually diseased; being lambasted by the tyrannical maelstroms of cancer since my very first cry; but doest that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is beautifully panoramic and garnished; on this ebulliently limitless Universe?

I might be perpetually maimed; inconsolably licking worthless grime and dust without those robust legs; but does that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is symbiotically benevolent and humanitarian; on this resplendently eternal Universe?

I might be perpetually dumb; hopelessly unable to utter even the most ethereal of sound; but does that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that
is seductively inebriating and royal; on this unbelievably untainted Universe?

I might be perpetually orphaned; thrown into the most acrimoniously slandering of gutter; immediately as I crawled out of the womb of my mother; but does that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is jubilantly triumphant and righteous; on this incredulously proliferating Universe?

I might be perpetually illiterate; ludicrously using the whole of my preposterously bohemian foot to sign when need be; but does that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is undefeatably truthful and pristine; on this marvelously majestic Universe?

I might be perpetually deaf; not flinching the slightest even as the most atrocious bombs of death exploded right at the tip of my earlobe; but does that
in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is invincibly serene and celestial; on this unassailably vivacious Universe?

I might be perpetually unfortunate; wholesomely metamorphosing even the most glittering gates of gold into tawdrily meaningless shit with my touch; but does that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is poignantly compassionate and gregarious; on this merrily proliferating Universe?

I might be perpetually impoverished; without possessing the tiniest of robe to engulf body; even in the most ruthless of squall or unrelenting cold; but does that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is wholeheartedly embracing and liberated; on this fantastically iridescent Universe?

I might be perpetually famished; with every cranny of my severely dilapidated intestines puking out nothing else but exasperated blood; but does that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is benevolently ameliorating and emphatic; on this divinely unprejudiced Universe?

I might be perpetually devastated; with everyone of my kin being barbarously assassinated by terrorists right infront of my innocent eyes; but does that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is astoundingly fresh and virile; on this timelessly burgeoning Universe?

I might be perpetually rebuked; with every caste; creed; color and fraternity on this earth spitting upon my unconventional ways; but does that in anyways
stop my heart from throbbing for all that is intrepidly exhilarating and innovative; on this endlessly ebullient Universe?

I might be perpetually floundering; miserably failing to make even the most infinitesimal of impact in every single sphere of destined life; but does that in
anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is candidly sparkling; on
this interminably vibrant Universe?

I might be perpetually weeping; uncontrollably culminating into an unsurpassable ocean of tears as I couldn't ever forget the dead corpse of my mother; but does that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is synergistically fragrant and spell-binding; on this vividly emollient Universe?

I might be perpetually castrated; rendered hopelessly impotent against the inevitably unstoppable race of time; but does that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is enchantingly twinkling and enigmatic; on this unceasingly beautiful Universe?

I might be perpetually paralyzed; not able to move my hands or feet an inconspicuous inch even in the most mesmerizing paradise; but does that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is stupendously intimate and befriending; on this victoriously unabashed Universe?

I might be perpetually jailed; incarcerated in the prisons of maliciously unforgivable politics for no ostensible rhyme or reason; but does that in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is sensuously passionate and tantalizing; on this insuperably unfettered Universe?

I might be perpetually neglected; with not a soul on this unending globe ready to sight the contours of my inherently ugly face; but does that in anyways stop my
heart from throbbing for all that is blessedly innocuous and natural; on this Omnisciently infallible Universe?

And I might be perpetually betrayed; with every single anecdote of relationship salaciously stabbing me like a zillion venomously parasitic thorns; but does that
in anyways stop my heart from throbbing for all that is Immortal love and fresh; on this gloriously holistic Universe?

The Power of Black - Poems on Humanity , Social Cause - volume 2Where stories live. Discover now