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The flower on its own looked nonchalant; an inconspicuous entity amidst infinite stalks of lanky grass and wild roots,
Although when I put it in a jar embellished with intriguing designs; plucking it gently from its roots; people admired it profoundly; fervently longed to smell its lingering redolence.

The red pails of wine bubbling in colossal drums of wood; appeared disparaging; inundating the placid air around with a ghastly odor, Although when I poured the same into delectably chiseled glasses; the liquor sparkled magnificently under scintillating rays of the sun; and there was an insatiable urge in my body to consume the same at lightening speeds.

The dusty granules of rice incarcerated in ragamuffin bags looked appalling; a meal to obnoxious to consume,
Although when I spread it commensurately in a plate of shimmering silver; topping the same with ravishing red cherries from the forest; the food suddenly ignited dormant pangs of hunger in my famished stomach.

The opalescent fishes swimming in the ocean appeared pretty infinitesimal; when compared to the preposterously huge sharks and whales,
Although when I placed the innocuous creatures in a grandiloquent aquarium; they seemed stupendously enamouring; instantly averted the eyes the eyes of passing philanderers; to feast on the majestic movement.

The chips of gold impregnated in deep coal mines; looked grotesque; sandwiched in an ambience of hideous black walls all around,
Although when I adroitly extracted the same; molded it into a pendant of glittering yellow; the burglars outside as well as the commoners trespassing; stood nonplussed by its royal splendor.

The ruffled sprouts of cotton stashed in the cloistered godown; looked obnoxious; with incongruous threads lurking from the bundle; engendering all in vicinity to thunderously sneeze,
Although when I knitted the same into a glossy shirt; the fabric sold like hot cakes amongst the people; fetching prices one could never have envisaged.

The century old dial of wristwatch seemed outlandish; a contraption with crusts of disdainful rust,
Although when I entwined the same in an intricate chain of scintillating silver; it looked incredibly alluring; acquiring the status of being placed in the topmost shelves of the country museum.

The plain slab of ivory appeared absolutely nondescript; resembling sordid chalk powder; concealed beneath a colossal mountain of mud, Although when I washed it stringently with water; chiseled the same into a embellished statue; it was an awe-inspiring sight which unfurled; winning the hearts of the affluent as well as the poor.

The baby lying still without motion looked an island of gloom; with his lids tightly shut giving a dull look to his naked face,
Although when I flocculent silk; tickled his flabby skin making him loudly laugh; embedded his impeccable ears with a tinkling ornament; the infant looked mesmerizing; an entity to cherish in ones arms till eternity.

And life by itself appeared abysmally drab; minutes unveiling into marathon hours without the slightest trace of activity,
Although when I blended it with the color of adventure; drowned myself into the rhapsody of music; evolved my desires in the arms of my beloved; that was the time it glistened immortally; it really looked beautiful.

The Power of Black - Poems on Humanity , Social Cause - volume 2Where stories live. Discover now