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Love me; so that I perpetually forget to indiscriminately hate; embrace one and all in the perpetual religion of humanity; alike,

Love me; so that I perpetually forget to treacherously suck blood; ubiquitously diffuse the fragrance of immortal peace; to the most fathomless quarters of this mesmerizing Universe,

Love me; so that I perpetually forget to uncouthly lambaste; unite with the spirit of everlasting mankind; and wholesomely blend with the rudiments
of irrefutably holistic truth,

Love me; so that I perpetually forget to gorily excoriate all innocent shivering; perennially gallivant in the aisles of uninhibited rhapsody and ecstatically augmenting melody,

Love me; so that I perpetually forget to ruthlessly abuse; disseminate all unequivocal goodness of the atmosphere; to all those miserably tottering
hutment's; besieged with inexplicably morose hopelessness,

Love me; so that I perpetually forget to barbarically exploit; swirl in a mist of ebulliently benevolent fantasy with my impeccable comrades; towards the
island of blissful paradise,

Love me; so that I perpetually forget to satanically murder; heal despicably wounded infants; with the ointment of unassailable caring and sharing,

Love me; so that I perpetually forget to speak horrifically deplorable lies; perennially raise the flag of invincible honesty; to blend with clouds of
celestial harmony; in fathomless sky,

Love me; so that I perpetually forget to manipulatively tyrannize; compassionately bond with my fellow compatriots; irrespective of their
caste; color or kind,

Love me; so that I perpetually forget to aimlessly loiter; indefatigably pursue the path of symbiotic righteousness in every time I was born; put in my most tumultuous endeavors to save the dwindling planet; and then leave the rest; to Almighty Lord,

Love me; so that I perpetually forget to torrentially exploit; harbor all my despondently trembling mates; in blankets of unconquerably grandiloquent

Love me; so that I perpetually forget to ignominiously castigate; profoundly appreciate the unfathomably enamoring beauty of this resplendently boundless
Universe; harnessing the fruits of goodwill with my very own poignant blood,

Love me; so that I perpetually forget to baselessly adulterate; march synergistically forward with countless more of my diminutive kind; to spawn a
wholesomely bountiful and gregariously blossoming tomorrow,

Love me; so that I perpetually forget to maniacally devastate; exist in stupendously serene patriotism with redolently fabulous nature; disburse the
unprecedented richness of humanity; to all those camps flourishing with diabolical terrorists,

Love me; so that I perpetually forget to worthlessly wither; resiliently contribute my best to fathomlessly proliferate God's most sacrosanct chapter of existence; procreate incomprehensible more of my impoverished kind,

Love me; so that I perpetually forget to indefatigably cry; unsurpassably deluge the lives of orphaned children; with an unrelentingly endless festoon of impregnable smiles,

Love me; so that I perpetually forget to ominously massacre; maneuver the heinously conventional and astronomically rigid society; to the summits
of unflinchingly pristine unity,

Love me; so that I perpetually forget to break hearts; romance in the realms of untamed desire and tantalizing fantasy; pacify the thirst of opprobriously whipped humanity; with oceans of Omnipotent light,

Over and above all; Love me; so that I perpetually forget to despairingly die; stay alive for countless more robust births yet to unfurl; but only to be a messiah of the underprivileged; an apostle of divinely peace; and an inconspicuous molecule of God but a harbinger of humanity.

The Power of Black - Poems on Humanity , Social Cause - volume 2Where stories live. Discover now