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I admit that I didn't have the ability to save all those dying in the war just sitting on my couch in the dining room; but the best I could do was to sincerely pray to God in my mind; to save the innocent from brutal atrocity and death,

I admit that I didn't have the ability to predict what was going on behind the solid brick wall; but the best I could do was to try and evacuate; the person trapped therein; scared and petrified to the last bone down his spine; in an ambience enveloped with stinging scorpion and black cockroach,

I admit that I didn't have the ability to perceive whether it would be my wife or a complete stranger as I hoisted the telephone receiver; but the best I could
do was to patiently listen; and then retort back with the most consummate answers that came to my conscience,

I admit that I didn't have the ability to cognize as to what depths would I strike water beneath the soil; but the best I could do was to tenaciously plough the
same using both my hands; till the time my perspiration yielded those crystalline droplets I was so frantically searching for; to pacify my thirst,

I admit that I didn't have the ability to contemplate upon the exact number of apples hidden within the dense foliage of the gigantic tree; but the best I
could do was to sedulously clamber up the same; dexterously use my fingers and thumb to nimbly pluck them; before consuming them with unprecedented gusto
and relish,

I admit that I didn't have the ability to envisage the number of humans which the diabolical shark had chewed up alive; but the best I could do was warn as many people as possible whom I encountered on the beach; about the staying away from the perilous sea; and keeping their eyes open and wide for the big fish,

I admit that I didn't have the ability to meticulously visualize the color of the cloth stashed in the godown's; but the best I could do was to onerously rummage through all the piles one by one; in search of that perfect fabric I
had always dreamt of,

I admit that I didn't have the ability to prognosticate as to who would be the first individual I would confront when commencing the first hour of my morning; but the best thing I could do was greet him with a smile and congenially say Good Morning,

I admit that I didn't have the ability to recite the exact percentage of obnoxious gases circulating perniciously in the atmosphere; but the best I could do was to grow a new tree every day; in order to blissfully exist and protect the environment,

I admit that I didn't have the ability to immediately quote the name of the author who had written the scriptures which were more than a thousand years old; but the best I could do was to scrupulously read through his verse; pay my homage and due admiration to him for the pearls he had embossed,

I admit that I didn't have the ability to decipher what exactly the mad man was saying; as he kept opening his mouth without the slightest of sound; but the best I could do was to help him express his ideas better; endeavor to understand the essence of the agony; that he might have been going through,

I admit that I didn't have the ability to forecast as to whether it would rain or not; but the best I could do was to assist my fellow beings afflicted with bizarre drought; disseminate surplus water accumulated in my backyard to as far and distant as I could; along with softly praying to the Creator,

I admit that I didn't have the ability to predict the exact second of the day; without even looking at my watch; but the best I could do was to gauge the hour
with the rising positions of the Sun & Moon; thereby carry on my activities incessantly without any negligence,

I admit that I didn't have the ability to imagine as to how much cash was stored in the villagers account; but the best I could do was to safeguard it at the
cost of my life; standing tall like a formidable fortress in the path of the evil and satanic eye,

I admit that I didn't have the ability to prudently discern the nature of an individual only a few seconds after I met him; but the best I could do was to
establish an amicable relationship with him over a period of time; accept his pro's and con's as a part of erring humanity; and progressing life,

I admit that I didn't have the ability to accurately count all the blades of grass protruding from the fields; but the best I could do was to free a battalion of cows and famished sheep into the same; allow them to have the time of
their lives,

I admit that I didn't have the ability to know whether the milk I was about to gulp had traces of lethal poison in it or not; but the best I could do was to swallow it down my throat with my eyes blindfolded; if someone offered it to me with loads of empathy and love in his heart,

I admit that I didn't have the ability to comprehend what was lingering in her eyes; but the best I could do was to wholesomely blend with the flames of her
romance; intermingle my breath completely in the swirl of her love,

And I admit that I didn't have the ability to precisely speak out my destiny; intricately know as to what event was going to unveil before my eyes at what
time; but the best I could do was to execute each activity of my life with stupendous fervor;
Try and help as many people as I could in the remaining years of my future set apart by Almighty Lord; and lead life to its fullest possible; every day; every hour; every minute; every second.

The Power of Black - Poems on Humanity , Social Cause - volume 2Where stories live. Discover now