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Wasn't it better to give those left over chunks of dough to the stray dogs on the street; rather than pugnaciously stuffing them into the heart of the dolorously fetid dustbin ?

Wasn't it better to use those extravagantly superfluous ingredients of your wealth to enlighten the lives of all those inexplicably impoverished; rather than spuriously abandoning them to increase the weight of gold in your bathroom chair ?

Wasn't it better to mold those pieces of sordid rubber to cushion some destitute scalp; rather than winding them pretentiously to make them your pompous pet cat's string ?

Wasn't it better to marvelously share the bountiful beauty of your garden with the tyrannically famished Universe outside; rather than ruthlessly incarcerate
the flowers to be your sanctimonious bedroom delights ?

Wasn't it better to philanthropically donate your blood to all those gruesomely debilitated; rather than indiscriminately burning it in a world of satanically
manipulative lechery ?

Wasn't it better to uninhibitedly about all gorgeously ebullient beauty of this colossal planet; rather than insipidly wasting the dormitories of your fertile
brain to the web of insanely cold-blooded drudgery ?

Wasn't it better to enchantingly deluge the lives of countless disastrously orphaned with the melody in your heavenly voice; rather than uncouthly expurgating it only for irate abuse ?

Wasn't it better to Omnisciently donate your eyes after you relinquished your last iota of breath; rather than allowing them to horrendously decay infinite feet beneath your veritable grave ?

Wasn't it better to embrace uncontrollably shivering organisms in the swirl of your compassionately invincible chest; rather than diabolically pulverizing
innocent bones with its Herculean strength ?

Wasn't it better to sagaciously utilize your knowledge to blissfully enlighten the haplessly illiterate; rather than malignantly drifting it to evolve bombs; which could mercilessly devastate the entire living kind ?

Wasn't it better to allow your enchantingly shimmering shadow to celestially rejuvenate bizarrely frazzled human kind; rather than lugubriously blending with the realms of meaningless hell ?

Wasn't it better to tirelessly admire the astronomically aristocratic beauty of this unsurpassably regale Universe with each of your senses; rather satanically dictating them to parasitically suck immaculate blood ?

Wasn't it better to admirably use your robust shoulders to hoist unfortunate urchins and make them ecstatically fly; rather than disgustingly shrug them
towards the very entities; who gave you miraculous birth ?

Wasn't it better to amiably spend your spare moments in the company of those penuriously bereaved who needed you the most; rather than drain them like a
lackluster skeleton in the corpse of sleazily adulterated wine ?

Wasn't it better to speak the irrefutably unconquerable just once; rather than indefatigably hide your ludicrously trembling skin; under the curtain of a boundless derogatory lies ?

Wasn't it better to eternally use your lips to kiss the fragrance of everlasting humanity; rather than criminally bite all with abominably proliferating hatred ?

Wasn't it better to impart all your short clothes to those existing beneath the preposterously mortifying poverty line; rather than torch them in a bonfire to
worthlessly tingle; your already opulent night ?

Wasn't it better to Omnipresently utilize those extra puffs of your breath to revive the morbidly dying; rather than trying to impossibly store them in your
lungs; in the baseless hope of surviving a countless more lives ?

And wasn't it better to uninhibitedly free the beats of your heart to bond with their immortal soul mate; rather than clinically imprisoning them in the center
of your chest; in the feckless fear that you might lose them ?

The Power of Black - Poems on Humanity , Social Cause - volume 2Where stories live. Discover now