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In reality I felt like kicking him straight in his face; but in the end I found myself saying that You're looking amazing sir,

In reality I felt like savagely retaliating to his volley of abuse; but in the end I found myself admiring the cadence of his voice,

In reality I felt like munching the same meals laid ravishingly on his plate; but in the end I found myself sipping plain water which he had profusely used to wash his hands,

In reality I felt like wearing the same designer clothes which he adorned himself in every minute; but in the end I found myself wearing rags which he had discarded after they became a trifle tight,

In reality I felt like possessing the scintillating Mercedes nestling splendidly in his driveway; but in the end I found myself driving the same at his
commands; transporting him safely to office,

In reality I felt like spraying the same scent that he used in gay abandon on his armpits; but in the end I found myself inhaling the same from kilometers apart;
busy sweeping the majestic corridors before the guests arrived,

In reality I felt like bashing him left, right and center in his belly; but in the end I found myself cleaning the dirt adhering to the lining of his shoes,

In reality I felt like strolling as domineeringly in the lawns as he did, but in the end I found myself following him at close quarters; of course as his shadow,

In reality I felt like exposing his blatant lies to the world; but in the end I found myself nodding my forehead in poignant consent to whatever he uttered,

In reality I felt like disseminating all his illegally earned wealth amongst the impoverished masses including myself; but in the end I found myself investing it prudently in ingenious schemes; to ensure him maximum returns,

In reality I felt like banging the telephone receiver on his balding head; but in the end I found myself attending to every call; and amicably transferring him the line,

In reality I felt like sitting in the conference room in his place; with the cool air of the air-conditioner putting me off to blissful slumber; but in the end I found myself serving glasses of cocktail and appetizing delicacies; at the slightest command of his crisp voice,

In reality I felt like drinking apple juice every hour as he did; but in the end I found myself peeling open the tin; for him to tantalizingly gulp the same,

In reality I felt like speaking in American slang as he did; but in the end I found myself silencing the unruly crowds around; to thereby facilitate him to speak,

In reality I felt like hurling every object in proximity as he did when agitated; but in the end I found myself collecting the shattered remains; molding them into toys again for him to break,

In reality I felt like laughing all day as he did with my lips stretched to the most extreme limits; but in the end I found myself learning new jokes everyday; in
order to trigger off his smiles,

And in reality I felt like owning all what he did; but in the end I felt myself completely helpless; as I was born naked in the dustbin; thoroughly deprived of
wealth; and to feed myself and my family of ten children; he would always have to remain my master; and I his obedient slave

The Power of Black - Poems on Humanity , Social Cause - volume 2Where stories live. Discover now