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That very same blood which seemed so pricelessly scarlet in your veins; looked disdainfully pugnacious and unfathomably repelling; when removed from your
body and sighted on lackadaisically indolent ground instead,

That very same sweat which seemed so Omnipotently golden in your armpits; looked parsimoniously orphaned and lugubriously opprobrious ; when removed
from your body sighted on parasitically threadbare ground instead,

That very same saliva which seemed so sensuously enticing on your tongue; looked penuriously decrepit and acrimoniously forlorn; when removed from your body and sighted on baselessly wanton ground instead,

Those very same teeth which seemed so charismatically twinkling in your mouth; looked disastrously broken and uncontrollably shivering; when removed from your body sighted on ethereally nonchalant ground instead,

Those very same hair which seemed so astoundingly ravishing on your scalp; looked fretfully wanton and inanely diminishing; when removed from your body and sighted on worthlessly barren ground instead,

That very same wax which seemed so uninhibitedly artistic in your ears; looked disgustingly deplorable and fetidly acrid; when removed from your body and
sighted on dolorously blackened ground instead,

That very same moisture which seemed so royally Omniscient in your eyes; looked pathetically variegated and ominously jinxed; when removed from
your body and sighted on remorsefully wasting ground instead,

Those very same bones which seemed so indomitably Herculean in your arms; looked frigidly hapless and intractably deteriorating; when removed from your body and sighted on despairingly delinquent ground instead,

That very same mucus which seemed so superbly befitting in your nostrils; looked desolately cursed and deliriously ignominious; when removed from your
body and sighted on insatiably cringing ground instead,

That very same brain which seemed so ingeniously unparalleled in your skull; looked treacherously diabolical and perilously stagnating; when removed
from your body and sighted on stupidly obdurate ground instead,

Those very same eyelashes which seemed so Omnipresently mischievous on your eyelids; looked diminutively hopeless and brutally pulverized; when
removed from your body and sighted on fugitively identitiless ground instead,

Those very same nails which seemed so unbelievably artistic on your fingers; looked demonically astray and despicably trembling; when removed from your body and sighted on monotonously stony ground instead,

That very same birthmark which seemed so invincibly prestigious on your skin; looked atrociously sinister and hedonistically isolated; when removed from your body and sighted on tempestuously quavering ground instead,

That very same smile which seemed so Omnipresently magnificent on your lips; looked inconsolably shriveled and disastrously fading; when removed from
your body and sighted on emotionlessly crumpled ground instead,

That very same food which seemed so marvelously replenishing in your stomach; looked satanically vomiting and unforgivably stinking; when removed from your body and sighted on worthlessly balderdash ground instead,

Those very same destiny lines which seemed so unassailably resolute on your palms; looked unbearably disgruntled and vapidly excoriated; when removed from your body and sighted on horrifically bland ground instead,

That very same conscience which seemed so righteously Omnipotent in your soul; looked sadistically tyrannized and inevitably adulterated; when removed
from your body and sighted on mundanely reverberating ground instead,

That very same breath which seemed so unconquerably life-yielding in your lungs; looked amorphously non-existent and invisibly wailing; when removed from your body and sighted on truculently lambasted ground instead,

Paradoxically to the above; those very beats which seemed so bountifully passionate in your heart; looked more Immortally Godly; looked more unflinchingly powerful and perpetually uniting than ever before; when removed from your body; and sighted not only on colorless ground; but even the most evanescently mercurial cranny of this Universe instead.

The Power of Black - Poems on Humanity , Social Cause - volume 2Where stories live. Discover now