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The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the mother; was to feed her baby; with gallons of uninhibitedly sacrosanct milk,

The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the flower; was to disseminate its spell binding fragrance; to those quarters of the earth; despondently besieged with horrifically despicable doom and unsurpassable gloominess,

The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the star; was to inundate the complexion of the drearily exhausted night; with unprecedented whirlwinds of
captivating mysticism,

The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the clouds; was to incessantly shower upon its globules of celestial water; upon miserably slithering cocoons of
ominously entrenched and overwhelmingly parched soil,

The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the lips; was to trigger maelstroms of invincible passion; in fatigued bodies treacherously engrossed; in digging
their very own graves,

The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the singer; was to divinely pacify its colossal battalion of penuriously staggering audiences; with overwhelmingly melodious music,

The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the dwelling; was to impregnably grant shelter to the insidiously deprived; heal the most lecherously devastated senses with the ointment of compassionate sharing,

The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the pen; was to emboss exquisite lines of majestic artistry upon boundlessly barren sheets of paper; weave an
unsurpassable trail of magical enigma with scarlet ink incarcerated in its congenial belly,

The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the tree; was to bequeath an incomprehensible tunnel of bountiful fruits; upon organisms remorsefully
curled in famished malice,

The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the sheep; was to unequivocally bestow its amiably cozy tufts of wool; engulfing all those malevolently orphaned; in blankets of poignantly swirling warmth,

The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the newspaper; was to ubiquitously keep its readers apprised about the latest global happenings unveiling; timelessly and all round the clock,

The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the mountain; was to unrelentingly tower above all on the trajectory of this mesmerizing Universe; undisputedly
be the first one to kiss the golden Sun; as it marvelously blazed through; azure carpets of blissful sky,

The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the monkey; was to scrupulously teach its inherent art of astounding emulation; to its freshly born repertoire
of flirtatiously mischievous siblings,

The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the soldier; was to free his immaculately revered motherland; from the clutches of insatiably murderous

The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the arrow; was to strike its barbarically savage target head-on; even before it could dare to bat
an infinitesimally single eyelid,

The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the stream; was to celestially placate the thirst of countless bleary eyed travelers; magnificently rejuvenate every element of their bedraggled senses; propelling them to
philanthropically triumph in life,

The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the doctor; was to benevolently cure his patients of their most inexplicable ailments and despairing pain; scrap stinking debilitation and disease; from its very non-existent roots entirely from the trajectory of this eternally infinite planet,

The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the saint; was to ensure that his unending entrenchment of diligent disciples; perennially disseminated the
immortal essence of peace; love and sagacious truth; to even the most remotest corners of this mammoth Universe,

The most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the body; was to unsurpassably accomplish its optimum quota of benevolent deeds and desire in the tenure of its transiently stipulated life; afford the same to its fellow compatriots in
irascible distress,

And the most irrefutably perpetual privilege for the heart; was to immortally shower upon its pricelessly vivacious beats of love on every soil that it handsomely gallivanted; instilling the most supremely royal gift of Almighty Lord; in every entity existing; and those yet to evolve into; fragrantly vibrant

The Power of Black - Poems on Humanity , Social Cause - volume 2Where stories live. Discover now