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If you really wanted to spread ebulliently ingratiating happiness; then spread it amidst all those torturously lambasted; inexplicably bursting into a corpse of inconsolable sobs and traumatic misery,

If you really wanted to spread unflinchingly intrepid strength; then spread it amidst all those horrifically infirm; being baselessly blown away like a pack of
frigid matchsticks; for ostensibly no fault of theirs,

If you really wanted to spread irrefutably sparkling truth; then spread it amidst all those asphyxiated with parasites of derogatory corruption; inhaling each
breath of life viciously tainted with bellicose prejudice,

If you really wanted to spread Omnisciently benign light; then spread it amidst all those whose lives were brutally inebriated with malicious blackness;
even in the most brilliantly eternal of Sunlight,

If you really wanted to spread effulgently mellifluous voice; then spread it amidst all those who got nothing else from life; except insidiously penalizing gunshots of cacophonically treacherous despair,

If you really wanted to spread majestically vibrant smiles; then spread them amidst all those orphans who had nothing else; but an unfathomable battalion of
impediments to transcend; at every step that they staggeringly tread
on coldbloodedly barren soil,

If you really wanted to spread the spirit of symbiotically united oneness; then spread it amidst all those indiscriminately perpetuating blood in the name of spurious religion; truculently beheading their very own; just to please to pot-bellied politician,

If you really wanted to spread voluptuously intoxicating sensuousness; then spread it amidst all those incarcerated within gory jailhouses of rigid monotony; mechanically monitoring even their sleep; to the fecklessly coldhearted ticking of the clock,

If you really wanted to spread gregariously resplendent scent; then spread it amidst all those inevitably fretting in the dingily diminutive lanes of the gutter; even as opprobrious superpowers snored in castles of celestial gold outside,

It you really wanted to spread articulately rhythmic dexterity; then spread it amidst all those insanely imbecile; devilishly employing every bohemian part of
their visage; to salaciously destroy the essence of beautiful mankind,

If you really wanted to spread sagaciously bountiful literacy; then spread it amidst all those worthlessly whiling every unfurling instant of priceless life
staring dolorously at empty sky; dreadfully sinking into the corpse at even the tiniest innuendo of signing their name,

If you really wanted to spread boundlessly opulent coin; then spread it amidst all those uxoriously emaciating on the obstreperous streets; while their rich counterparts egregiously squelched them one by one; under their
pugnacious wheel,

If you really wanted to spread regally euphoric imagery; then spread it amidst all those preposterously stagnating in the dungeons of malicious deprivation; hysterically sobbing in self-inflicted tyranny; till the very last breath of their lives,

If you really wanted to spread poignantly tantalizing charisma; then spread it amidst all those carnivorously bound by chains of abstruse rigidity; infinite a time pulverizing their ravishing dreams; just because they didn't follow the path of their decrepit ancestors,

If you really wanted to spread quintessentially scintillating employment; then spread it amidst all those aimlessly squandering in wastrel wheelchairs;
even after possessing the most rubicund persona that the Lord could ever have blessed,

If you really wanted to spread blazingly fearless patriotism; then spread it amidst all those invidiously betraying their mother soil; selling every cranny of their non-existent conscience for a capriciously sinful clutter of sanctimonious note,

If you really wanted to spread gloriously fructifying fruit; then spread it amidst all those horrifically stunted since times immemorial; wistfully slavering at even the most derogatory of stone viciously pelted towards their trembling skin,

If you really wanted to spread perpetually burgeoning breath; then spread it amidst all those haplessly stuttering for life; despairingly stuttering through
coffins of gory death; even in the most pristine prime of royal life,

And if you really wanted to spread immortally unconquerable love; then spread it amidst all those murderously slandered by every echelon of the murderous society; and yet the insatiable desire to ardently embrace glowing brightly in their; ruthlessly neglected eyes.

The Power of Black - Poems on Humanity , Social Cause - volume 2Where stories live. Discover now