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You might have fearlessly adventured through an infinite enigmatic "Forests" all throughout an infinite resplendent lifetimes of yours; but always remember that the swirl of the unhindered "Forests" would still and forever remain an infinite times bigger than any form of your impoverished life,

You might have unflinchingly encountered an infinite treacherously lambasting waves of the stormy "Ocean" all throughout an infinite effulgent lifetimes of yours; but always remember that the majesty of the untainted "Oceans" would still and forever remain an infinite times bigger than any form of your diminutive life,

You might have wholeheartedly replenished and relished an infinite fruits
of "Mother Nature" all throughout an infinite symbiotic lifetimes of yours;
but always remember that the panorama of blissful "Mother Nature" would still and forever remain an infinite times bigger than any form of your truncated life,

You might have inimitably spoken an infinite pearls of blazing "Truth" all
throughout an infinite triumphant lifetimes of yours; but always remember
that the chapter of unassailable "Truth" would still and forever remain an
infinite times bigger than any form of your infinitesimal life,

You might have royally inhaled an infinite puffs of the synergistic "Atmosphere" all throughout an infinite dazzling lifetimes of yours; but always remember that the enchantment of the tantalizing "Atmosphere" would still and forever remain an infinite times bigger than any form of your flickering life,

You might have intrepidly walked through an infinite blistering "Fires" all
throughout an infinite enamoring lifetimes of yours; but always remember
that the tenacity of the infallible "Fire" would still and forever remain an infinite times bigger than any form of your ethereal life,

You might have victoriously played an infinite types of uncanny "Games" all
throughout an infinite iridescent lifetimes of yours; but always remember
that the magnetism of the unfathomable "Game" would still and forever remain
an infinite times bigger than any form of your transient life,

You might have unflinchingly absorbed an infinite rays of Omnipotent "Sunlight" all throughout an infinite bountiful lifetimes of yours; but always remember that the propensity of the Omnipresent "Sunlight" would still and forever an infinite times bigger than any form of your destitute life,

You might have unceasingly assimilated an infinite words of aristocratic
"Language" all throughout an infinite synergistic lifetimes of yours; but
always remember that the richness of fathomless "Language" would still
and forever remain an infinite times bigger than any form of your slavering

You might have unconquerably stared for an infinite hours into the whiteness
of the "Mirror" all throughout an infinite ebullient lifetimes of yours; but always remember that the candidness of the honest "Mirror" would still and forever remain an infinite times bigger than any form of your subjugated life,

You might have peerlessly conquered an infinite peaks of the indomitable
"Mountain" all throughout an infinite rhapsodic lifetimes of yours; but always remember that the visage of the invincible "Mountain" would still and forever remain an infinite times bigger than any form of your molecular life,

You might have fearlessly shed an infinite droplets of priceless "Blood" all
throughout an infinite blessed lifetimes of yours; but always remember that
the compassion of humanitarian "Blood" would still and forever remain an
infinite times bigger than any form of your mercurial life,

You might have domineeringly played and slurped at an infinite globules of
crystalline "Water" all throughout an infinite jubilant lifetimes of yours; but always remember that the inevitability of divine "Water" would still and
forever remain an infinite times bigger than any form of your minuscule life,

You might have majestically whipped through an infinite lanes of untamed
"Wilderness" all throughout an infinite effervescent lifetimes of yours; but
always remember that the inebriation of the ravishing "Wilderness" would
still and forever remain an infinite times bigger than any form of your parsimonious life,

You might have indefatigably romanced and philandered an infinite moonless
"Nights" all throughout an infinite glorious lifetimes of yours; but always
remember that the stupor of the celestial "Night" would still and forever
remain an infinite times bigger than any form of your miserly life,

You might have been an infinite apostles of insuperable "Peace" all throughout an infinite spell binding lifetimes of yours; but always remember that the magnificence of heavenly "Peace" would still and forever remain an infinite times bigger than any form of your faltering life,

You might have unquestionably fertilized an infinite "Women" all throughout
an infinite ubiquitous lifetimes of yours; but always remember that the motherhood of Omniscient "Women" would still and forever remain an
infinite times bigger than any form of your extinguishing life,

You might have effortlessly tolerated an infinite cisterns of glistening
"Sweat" all throughout an infinite lifetimes of yours; but always remember
that the fragrance of righteously persevering "Sweat" would still and forever remain an infinite times bigger than any form of your obsolete life,

And you might have uninhibitedly romanced an infinite Immortal "Heartbeats"
all throughout an infinite undaunted lifetimes of yours; but always remember
that the fervor of the Godly "Heartbeat" would still and forever remain and
infinite times bigger than any form of your destined life.

The Power of Black - Poems on Humanity , Social Cause - volume 2Where stories live. Discover now