Shoot To Kill

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Cammies POV

"Cam?" He asks.

I look down at the ground, thousands of feet below me. I can barely make out anything but the green hills we call Ireland.

"Yea" I reply

"Ready?" he says zipping his jacket. I hear a loud crash as the plane tailing us crashes with the plane we're commanding. I lose my balance and I almost fall, luckily Zach hangs onto my arm. I hear static on the comms and the back end of the plane bursts into flames. I look up at Zach, his face filled with soot, and instead of pulling me up he grabs a parachute and jumps, taking me along with him.

The wind howls and I come crashing down within the earths altitude. I'm flying, I think. Just as I did with the ravens years ago. But I know if I hit the ground at this speed I wouldn't make it. I pull on the parachute when I get closer down to the ground to break the fall. We are almost there I think. And that's when I hear the shooting from above. The men who tailed us came down too, shooting from a 360 assault rifle. I reach down to my waist band and pull out my shotgun and immediately take out one of the men. As I drop further to the ground I shoot at more. I start to see a few men dropping from the air, carelessly, dead. I look over at Zach to see him shooting them all down effortlessly. We are a few hundred feet from the ground when there are only 5 men left. As I reach the ground, I stumble and my feet feel numb. I get up and keep running, only a few paces between Zach and I. Only a few paces from the last attacker. Zach turns around and shoots the guy as we get to the seaside, as he falls he shoots one last time. I never heard the bullet fall to the ground. I do hear a sickening sound. I look down at my stomach to see blood, hating the sight of it I look back up and keep running.

"You okay?" he says out of breath. I don't want him to worry so I nod and we find a boat, one docked at a near marina and riggs the boat to turn it on. When we get in, I can see the plane crash into the water, and many men- alive men, parachuting down from above. Were always shooting at our attackers. Fatal shots, I'd rather it be them than us. Do you want to know my motto? Shoot to Kill.

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