Episode 3: The Big Sleep

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Last time on Total Drama Island
22 campers arrived and learned that they'll be spending the next 8 weeks at a crusty old summer camp. The campers were faced with their very first challenge, jumping off the cliff into shark-infested waters. And while most campers took the plunge, a few of them were forced to wear the dreaded chicken hat. At the campfire ceremony, it all came down to two campers. Courtney has experience as a C.I.T. in summer camp but refused to jump, and Ezekiel managed to tick off every female contestant at the camp with his sexist comments about women. In the end, the first camper voted off Total Drama Island was Ezekiel, proving that homeschooling and reality T.V. don't really mix. Who will be voted off this week in the most dramatic campfire ceremony yet? Find out tonight on Total Drama Island!

(Y/N) P.O.V.
I got up around my usual 6 this morning to do some early morning exercises. About an hour into my practice Chris shows up with a megaphone.

"Hey there (Y/N)"

"Hey, Chris! Uh, what ya doin with a megaphone?"

"Oh, you'll see..."

"Alrighty then...
Nice shorts by the way."

Now cover your ears."
Once I cover my ears I hear the muffled sounds of a bullhorn go off. Me and Chris both share a laugh at the chorus of sighs and 'ughs' He's so cute when he laughs.

"Ow! It's 7 in the morning!
Do I look like a farmer to you?"

"Morning, hope you slept well.
I hope you're all ready because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute!"

"Oh, excuse me! I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast."

"Oh you'll get breakfast Owen right after you complete your twenty kilometer run around the lake."

"Excuse me uh how many miles is that?"

"About 12.5"

"Are you serious??"

"(Y/N), calm down."

"But I can't run tho."

"Oh? Why is that"
Time to pull a Courtney...

"I... have a medical condition."

"And what would that be?"

"Like I get blood clots very often and my whole leg just swells up whenever I run."


"It's called Lymphedema. You can look it up for yourself if you want. It's not pretty though."

"I'm still having some trouble believing you. You seemed fine jumping off the cliff."

"Well, I guess you could make me run. But if something were to happen where I got hurt because of my condition, and since you, knowing that I have a problem, still made me run..."

"Okay fine [laughs] you can ride up with me."

Um, I mean... t-thanks."

(Total Drama) Summer Camp Secrets: Chris McLean x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now