Episode 7: Phobia Factor

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Last time on Total Drama Island the campers had their survival skills put to the test when they spent the entire night camping in the woods. Katie and Sadie's friendship was strained when Katie's sense of direction got them totally lost. Duncan's mad ghost storytelling skills freaked out most of the Killer Bass and Issy played a prank on the Gophers by dressing up as a bear. Unfortunately, a real bear showed up, and the Gophers spent the night up in a tree, which really sucked for them. Cody peed in his pants and then it rained. Basically, no one got sleep last night.Ultimately, the Killer Bass were the ones on the chopping block, leaving Katie without a marshmallow.
Yep, the challenge was rough, alright, and if I have anything to say about it, today's will be even more brutal. Luckily, I do. What fresh horror have we planned for our campers? Find out next on Total Drama Island.


"Campers, your next challenge is a little game I like to call 'Phobia Factor.' Prepare to face your worst fears."

"Worse than this?"

"We're in trouble."

"Now for our first victims... Heather! Meet us all in the theater. It's sumo time. Gwen, how about the beach? A few tons of sand."

"Wait. How did they know they were your worst fears?"

"Because we told them."

"At the campfire last night."

"Wait. They were listening to us?"

"It's a reality show, Einstein. They're always listening to us."

"That's like eavesdropping."

"Chef Hatchet, didn't you have a special order for Tyler here today?

          Chef handed Tyler a deep fried chicken. When Tyler took a bit of the head, a real chicken popped out which kinda scared me. I wasn't sure what freaked me out more. The fact that the chicken wasn't dead or that Chef fried a live chicken...

"Today is going to be great."


"First up, Sadie and Lindsay. You two get a makeover.

          Chris pulled out some ugly dirt covered mullets and put them on the girls, but not before a little "performance" from Owen.

In order to score the point for your team, you cant take those off until 7. Now let's go check out Beth's challenge."


"Beth, your challenge is to dive into this pool of worms. If you can stay in for 10 seconds, ill give you the point.

          Beth just shrugs and jumps right in. I wonder if she had the same idea as me?

And that's a point for the Screaming Gophers. Leshawna, you're up next."

"Bring it, Chris. I can handle whatever you got."

          Chef, who was wearing a spider costume, tapped Leshawna on the shoulder. As soon as she saw him she started running and screaming, bloody murder.

"Well that was... lame. Lets all head on over to the amphitheater."


(Total Drama) Summer Camp Secrets: Chris McLean x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now