Episode 15: No Pain, No Game

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Last time on Total Drama Island the Bass and Gopher teams were disbanded into a battle of the sexes challenge that put their taste buds to the puke test. With bovine testicles, live bug insect pizza and liquid roach juice on the menu, not only was this the single biggest retch fest this host has ever seen, but Owens obscene consumption habits finally paid off and scored a big win for his compadres. While the guys set sail on a weekend retreat aboard the S.S. Lap-o-Luxury, the girls set down territorial tape, forcing newcomer Bridgette to choose sides. Now that Heather has drawn the line, will Leshawna cross the line? Can Bridgette mend the line before Gwen shreds the line? And can Lindsay recognize any line that's not a tan line? For the answers to all these cliffhangers and more, stay tuned to the most exciting episode yet on Total Drama Island.


"Listen up, campers, as of right now, all teams are officially dissolved. From here on in, it's every camper for themselves."

"Well, uh, it's about time we flew solo."

"Oh-ho-ho. I am feeling that. Bring it on, Chris."

"Then get ready for this."

"Hey, guys! It's good to be back at camp! Even though I never actually left the island. I've been living in the woods all this time!"


"But I thought you said the R.C.M.P. hunted you down."

"They tried. But being a wilderness survivor, I was swift-footed and avoided capture. Once I was safe among my animal brethren, it was just me against the harsh elements."

"You call this harsh? It's been warm and sunny all week."

"Not where I was. But luckily I was able to take refuge in the beaver dam. Yeah, I befriended the family of beavers who lived there and together we foraged for nuts and berries. Boy, I could use a bag of nachos right now. So what's new with you guys?"

"You already did (Y/N), cant keep bringing people back."

"But she's not even a contestant anymore."

"You said no one is allowed back on the show."

"I did?"

"And once you leave on the Dock of Shame, on the Boat of Losers, you can never, never ever, ever come back."

"Oh, yeah, that... Yeah... I lied."

"You can't do that. It's not fair."

"Whoa, girl you're reasoning with a loudspeaker. That just does not look good."

"Alrighty, campers, report to the amphitheater where you'll learn all about this weeks challenge. McLean out."

"Woo- hoo! Another challenge. Party! Gimmie 10!"

"Uh, dude. You heard the loudspeaker. Its every camper for themselves."


"Welcome to your next challenge, the time-honored game of torture. Say Uncle. You are all about to be put through test of endurance so insane that some of em sent our interns to the emergency room. If you back down from the challenge or do not last the required 10 seconds, you will be eliminated. The winner will not only be safe from elimination but will win this luxurious trailer, yours to take home at the end of the summer."

(Total Drama) Summer Camp Secrets: Chris McLean x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now