Episode 17: Hide & Be Sneaky

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Previously on Total Drama Island. Campers searched for treasure and yours truly put in an impressive performance as a pirate, but this was no ordinary treasure hunt. Some campers put their lives on the line to snag their booty. While Geoff put his stomach on the line, doing something that would make most people hurl. But in the end, the campers who went the limit we're rewarded with treasures that in hindsight probably weren't worth the effort. Haha. Oh, well, except for Heather, who for the umpteenth time in a row, managed to win the coveted invincibility prize and avoid getting voted off. Meanwhile, Trent and Gwen's love train went right off the rails, thanks to Heathers scheming. And it was Trent who walked the plank. Haha, arr. Who will be the next unlucky camper to walk the Dock of Shame? Who will lose their cool? Who will lose their lunch? Find out on the most shocking episode yet on Total Drama Island.


"Did you have fun with the kiddos last week?"

"What do you mean 'did I have fun? All I did was watch them to make sure they didn't die. And where were you two?"

"Handling business..."

"I'm not getting paid to babysit some kids while you two go relax. This ain't some daycare, Chris."

"If you wanna relax you can alright. (Y/N) can take over for today. You mind grabbing the water gun from the shed?"

"No prob."

"See? She doesn't back talk."

"You never told me why that girl came back."

"So what? Izzy came back."

"But Izzy's a contestant."

"Look, it really doesn't matter..."

"You got something you want to tell me..."


"You better watch yourself with whatever you gettin into."

"It's not even like that okay!"

"Okay. But you're gonna tell me more when we get to the craft services tent."


"Today's challenge is a good old-fashioned game of hide and seek. You all get 10 minutes to hide before (Y/N) comes looking for you."

"Like I'm scared of some chick with a water gun."

"And now you're 2nd on this chicks shit list."

"And whos 1st?"

          I smile, aiming my water gun at Heather and giving her a thumbs up.

(Total Drama) Summer Camp Secrets: Chris McLean x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now