Merry CHRIStmas!!!

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(I hate myself for that title)

A few years later...

It was early Monday morning and I was still laying in bed. Still tired from last night I closed my eyes once more. 'Just a bit longer' i thought until I felt something sit on top of me. "Get up." I heard a voice call but I didn't reply. "Get up!"

"Five more minutes." I moaned out. I tried to relax back to sleep but I feel a pair of hands suddenly squeeze my face. "Get up mommy it Christmas!" I open my eyes and laugh once I see her face an inch away from mine. "Hai."

(Y/N): "Hi. What are you doing up?"

Vanessa: "I go to see Santa present."

(Y/N): "You wanna see what Santa got you?"

Vanessa: "Yeah..."

(Y/N): "Well, how about we eat breakfast first. Then we can open presents."

Vanessa: "Okay!"

(Y/N): "Go wake up daddy."

She shook her head and called over to Chris side of the bed. She tried to gently shake him but that didn't work. After getting frustrated a couple more times she squeezed his nose shut and covered his mouth. A few seconds of struggling later he shot right up gasping for air. "I'M UP!" We both giggled as he tried to regain his composure. "Nothing says Merry Christmas like a 2-year-old trying to suffocate you."

Vanessa: "Hi daddy!"

Chris: "Hey Vanessa. Hows my princess this morning?"

Vanessa: "I good!"

Chris: "You excited?"

Vanessa: "Mm-hm!"

Chris: "Is there anything you hope Santa brought you?"

Vanessa: "I made a wish to Santa."

Chris: "And what was your wish?"

Vanessa: "I wish mommy and daddy get married."

There was a moment of silence between us. "...Um, l-lets go make breakfast!" I stammered trying to change the subject. She nodded and ran out of the room and down the hallway."I'm so tired."

Chris: "That's because you've been up late for the past 2 weeks."

(Y/N): "I had to write an entire EP, in which one of the songs I have to come up with a brand new choreography and perform this weekend at the New Years Eve Live party."

Chris: "Well you're all done now! And I bet you'll do fantastic this weekend."

(Y/N): "Thanks, babe."

"MOMMY I WANT FOOD!" We heard her yell along with some clatter from downstairs. "We should go appease the child."

Chris: "You want me to make pancakes?"

Vanessa: "No I want mommy to make them."

(Y/N): "Why can't daddy make them?"

Vanessa: "Because daddy cant cook."

I continued to make breakfast while Vanessa and Chris played in the dining hall.I finished cooking the pancakes along with some bacon, eggs, butter tarts and fried potatoes. There was a knock at the door while I was setting out plates. Vanessa made a B-line towards the door when Chris opened it. "Uncle Chef!!!" she screamed as she jumped into his arms."Hey! Gosh, look how big you've gotten."

(Y/N): "Just in time! I'm setting breakfast out now."

Chef: "Good. I'm starving. Hey man. Merry Christmas."

Chris: "Merry Christmas to you too. Can't wait for this season."

(Y/N): "Why are we already talking about the summer?"

Chris: "Oh come on. Don't tell me you're not excited."

Chef: "Yeah, you already missed out on season 4."

(Y/N): "I had a baby."

Chef: "But you missed all the fresh faces."

(Y/N): "I watched at home."

Chris: "Shell gets a chance to see them, or at least some of them."

(Y/N): "See? It's all good! Now let's eat before it gets cold."

After breakfast, we gathered in the foyer to open gifts. I recorded Vanessa opening all her presents. She was so excited when she got her puppy. She named her Chica. The rest of the evening was spent talking and watching movies and I loved every second of it. I honestly couldn't ask for a better life...

Hello, all you beautiful people!
I hope y'all had a very merry Christmas or just a great day in general if you don't celebrate it.

This was supposed to be a short little something for the holiday that was supposed to be up around 5pm but

This was supposed to be a short little something for the holiday that was supposed to be up around 5pm but

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All I have to say is I'm never drawing a baby ever again😓

But I'm glad it's done!

Have a happy holiday and a fantastic new year!


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