Episode 12: Basic Straining

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Last time on Total Drama Island. The teams were given three challenges that tested their trust in their teammates. The rock climbing challenge revealed more than just Heathers grudge against Gwen and Trent got the bad end of a blowfish courtesy of Lindsay. D.J. trusted Geoff with his pet bunny. Huge mistake, by the way. Some other campers got dropped on their butts, and Duncan shocked Courtney by showing her his softer sides. Yeah, touching moments, good times for all. Including me. We have a little surprise for our campers, so get ready for the most dramatic, surprising bonfire ceremony yet on Total Drama Island.


I woke up this morning with a pounding in my head. After gaining a bit more consciousness I sat up and took in my surroundings. Seeing all the clothing strewn about the floor and stains on the sheets made me remember the events of last night. There was some ibuprofen the bedside table. Chris probably left them. I still can't believe what happened last night. I tried piecing as much as I could in my head until I heard a door close.

"Well good morning, beautiful. You feelin any better?"

"A little. What are you still doing here? Shouldn't you be doing some like, hosty challenge... thing?"

"I had Chef cover for me today. Told him something came up."

"Oh... so now what?'

"Well, first thing you should get dressed, cant take you back to camp like that."

. I hadn't even realized that I still wasn't wearing any clothes.I blushed and tried my best to cover up which only made him laugh. I grabbed my clothes and quickly put them on. I turned back to Chris who was quietly staring at the ground.

"Whats wrong?"

"You were drunk last night, so I get it if you wanna act like this didn't happen..."

"I told you last night, remember? I really like you and if there's any way possible I wanna make this work... even if it means I can't be in the game."

"Y-you really mean that?"

"I do."

"I might have an idea. I'll fill you in on the way to camp."


. Chris told me his plan. I'd have to pretend I was still buzzed so I could sit out for the challenge. All I had to do was get on my team's nerves and practically nothing else. Just enough to make it believable when I get eliminated. Though I did ask him for a little favor when it got around to that time...

"You really think this will work?"

"Trust me. I'll make it work."



"What is wrong with you people?

"Where happened?"

"I wake up this morning and find this one passed out on my bedroom floor. How did she get in? More importantly, what did you people do last night?"

"Will she be okay?"

"Well, she can't compete. Shell have to sit this one out."

(Total Drama) Summer Camp Secrets: Chris McLean x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now