Chapter 12

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ALMOST 600 READS! I just wanted to publish a chapter anyway and for that fact, so here it is! It's your lucky day clawWriter  well, if you consider this as lucky 😂

Sasha POV
Luke's dad comes my way. 'I'm sorry for calling you.... a slut. It's not true at all and I didn't bother trying to get to know you.' He apologizes.

'It's alright.' I reply.

'You called her what?!' Luke says angrily and so does Belle.

'It's alright, let it go Luke.' I say.

He does not let go. 'Luke, if you don't stop now I'll chop your balls off.' I threaten and he relents while the others laugh.

'Hey, I can make decent murder or torture scenes.' I say.

'Really? Tell us one.' Belle says.

'Later, when it's night, and everything is dark, when you can hear every little sound.' I say and she relents.

'You can stay with us.' Melissa offers.

'Are you sure? I don't want to be a burden. I can also just go home after this. It's one door away.' I say.

'No, that ain't going to happen. I'm pretty sure no one will mind. Besides, Mason, Kygo and Cameron also stay here for the night and you're friends so I'm sure it's going to be alright.' She says and stares at the others with a stare that dares anyone to say no.

'No we won't. You can stay in the guest room or with Belle if you two would like to.' Lucius says. I look at Belle and we both have a grin on our faces.

'Gossip girl marathon!' We say in chorus. I call my parents and fill them in on everything and they agree and so do my brothers grudgingly after a lot of protesting.

The day passes and Melissa makes heavenly pizza on her own. I approach her shyly.


'Yes dear?'

'Could you teach me how to cook? I'm warning you though, I've burned kitchens down. My mother and brother already gave up on me.' I warn her.

'Of course dear.'

'Thank you so much!' I say and hug her spontaneously. She chuckles and hugs me back.

I call everyone to the living room. It's dark and Cameron attempts to do the light on but I stop him. 'Nah ah, it's story time.' I say.

We all settle on the plush carpet in a circle and I have a flashlight in my hand.

'It might not be a spooky story, but I'll count it as one.' I say.

'Okay, those who don't want to listen, leave the room immediately.' I say and no one leaves. Even his parents listen.

A/n I'm not good at horror or anything like this, don't judge.

'I lay in bed when I hear a sound. Footsteps. Most likely male because they're heavy. I grab a baseball bat that I always have nearby and stand up softly. The door opens and I squint my eyes against the light. A shadow stands in the doorway and before I can do anything, there is duct tape on my mouth and he grabs my arm roughly. He blocks my vision and drags me outside and in a car. A few minutes later we arrive. Or maybe it's a few hours, I don't know. I've lost track of time. The stranger takes me along and we walk some more. Eventually he throws me into a room and I get unblinded. I look around, blinking and see the stranger. He looked like a Greek god. A dangerous one that is. He strips me, chains me to a wall and grabs a whip.'

I pause for a moment.

'As the whip connect with my skin, I feel a searing pain. 'Count the amount of whiplashes.' He says in gruff voice. I do as he says. '1.....2......3......' when I accidentally miss one he kicks me in the stomach. I groan. 'Again!' He says and I obey his command. After fifty whiplashes he takes something out of his pants. I see something silver glinting in the light. My eyes widen. As he starts with smaller cuts I gulp. Then he makes bigger and deeper cuts. The silent tears crawl over my cheeks. But this, this was nothing compared to what I got next.'

I pause to try to get a little tension in the room.

'Go on! I can't take it anymore!' Melissa says.

'He took me along to another room. I look at it in fear once I realize what it is. I struggle and fight against him, but he throws me in the room with ease. I yelp in pain. A heater room, as I like to call it. '130 degrees sweetheart.' He calls out. (A/n if this is not possible/unsurvivable, just pretend it is.) I hiss and yell in pain. The pain is excruciating. Like laying on a carpet of needles. The wounds that were already formed by the knife and the whip practically sizzle. I cry and cry as the pain continues.'

'Eventually I get pulled out by my hair with something clawing at me. Once I'm outside I pass out.' I finish my story.

Okay guys I'm giving up on remembering to put a fact here, so one last fact: I have a pretty cool thing for school that I unfortunately can't use for exams. I think. It's a calculator and straightedge in one. If it's the correct translation. Just to be sure I added a picture of the 'straightedge'

X popcorn 🍿

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