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Year One

A couple of months passed, and there wasn't a person in Hogwarts who didn't know of the Marauders. Remus had to go away once every month to tend to his ill mother, but other than that all was well. Sirius's visits to the library were becoming less and less often, which left some more time for pranks. James was becoming much more confident because of all the extra attention from students. Classes were going great for Y/n, there were no more 'Mrs Potter' mistakes but that didn't mean the Marauders stopped shipping her and James. Hell, they even made a ship name. But Y/n and James were sure that they were just friends and nothing more.

Soon, the year would end and Y/n would be back to the usual Muggle world. Hopefully she could make some plans with her friends over the summer. As Y/n made her way down to the Great Hall for breakfast, she saw the other Marauders conferencing, but also laughing. Once they caught Y/n's eye, they ushered her to come over to the table they were sitting at. Once she sat down, James started talking immediately.

"We're going to prank Snivellus" he said excitedly. "Snivellus? Who's Snivellus?" Y/n asked. "Duh, its the Snape kid who's also in our year!" Sirius said. Y/n knew Snape, she saw him in classes. "But whats wrong with Snape? He hasn't bothered any of you, has he?" Y/n asked, remembering the times Snape tried to talk to her but failed. "Honestly Y/n, all he is is a greasy slimeball." Remus muttered. "Well, you four can do your thing without me, I'm going up to my dorm." Y/n said, almost feeling bad for Snape. "Okay, Ms. Party Pooper." James said, and with that, him, Remus, Sirius, and Peter ran off to find Snape.

Later that day, as Y/n was walking out of her Defence Against The Dark Arts class with her friends, she caught Snape walking down the corridor with bright green hair and a bunch of warts on his face. It took all her strength not to laugh. "So, it seems like you've seen what we've done to Snivellus." James said with a snicker. "Yes, and honestly, it makes me regret the fact that I missed out." Y/n said. "Come on guys, we have flying lessons." Remus said excitedly as everyone got up and made their way to the lesson.

The flying professor instructed all the students to mount their broomsticks and start flying once the whistle gets blown. The professor blew the whistle, and everyone went in different directions. James seemed to be doing great, so was Sirius. Remus was okay, and Peter barely left the ground. Y/n on the other hand was doing alright, until she lost track of how high she was going, and she fell of her broomstick. There were many screams and shouts from the other students, and once Y/n hit the ground she fell unconscious.

"Y/N!" the her friends shouted. They all ran up to her unconscious body, she had a lot of scratches and a two large bruises, one on her forehead and one on her knee. By the time the flying professor came to Y/n, James had already picked her up and carried her to the hospital wing with the rest of the Marauders following closely. "She may take a day or two to heal." Madame Pomfrey said seriously. (Just imagine a much younger version of madame pomfrey in this) "Well, we can stay here, right?" Sirius asked worriedly. "Yes, but you must still attend your classes." Madame Pomfrey said.

- one day later -

Y/n woke up to an unfamiliar sight. She was laying down, and she was in.. the hospital wing? She looked at herself and saw many bandages on her arms and legs. She then sat up and looked around, only to see James, snoozing away on a chair next to her bed. James startled Y/n of course; she was most certainly not expecting to see him here. Especially alone. Y/n carefully shook him awake, and James woke up with a start.

"James, what are you doing here?!" Y/n asked. "Oh-well- you're my friend and I didn't wanna leave you alone here, so I decided to, y'know, check on you." James stuttered. That brought Y/n to her next question. "What happened to me?" she asked. "You fell off your broomstick. During our flying lesson." James said. "Oh." Y/n muttered. "Well, where are the others?" she asked. "In the Great Hall. Let's go see them." James said. Y/n left a note for Madame Pomfrey saying she was okay, and made her way to the Great Hall with James.

Once she entered the Hall, the Marauders all ran straight towards her and started asking her questions. "Are you okay?!" "We were so worried!" "Does it hurt?" they all said. "Guys, guys, I'm fine!" Y/n said. She loved the fact that under the Marauders' funny, strong personalities, they had a sweet and caring heart. They all took a seat at the Gryffindor table and started talking.

"Well, guys, the year's coming to an end." Y/n said. "Yeah. Are we going to make any plans?" James said. "I dunno, but I know for sure we're gonna write to eachother every day. Right?" Remus said. "Right." everyone said in sync. Then, a random thought came to Y/n's head. Why was James alone with me in the Hospital Wing? And how long was he there for? He was asleep! Y/n pushed away the thought, but it didn't stop nagging at her from the back of her head.

- time skip-

"Well, this is it guys. We're not going to see each other until next year." Remus said. Everyone nodded, but Y/n pulled all four of the boys into a giant group hug. "I'll miss you guys" she said. "We'll miss you too, Y/n." James said, as the Marauders entered the train and sat in a compartment together. "So, we'll be writing to each other every day right?" Peter asked. "No, I'm never gonna talk to you again." Y/n said sarcastically, followed by laughter. "Of course we're gonna write to each other every day, silly." Sirius said. Y/n looked out the train window as Hogwarts grew further and further.

Just like the last train ride, this one was full of jokes and laughter. Soon enough, though, the train came to the stop and they arrived at King's Cross. Y/n exited the train with her friends and once they were out, they pulled into yet another giant group hug. "Well, this is it I guess." Sirius said. "Bye, guys. Remember, just because we're separated it doesn't mean we'll stop pranking people!" James said. Everyone agreed. "Bye!" Y/n said, and with one last look at her friends, she went off to find her parents.

Once she saw them, she started talking about how brilliant her first year at Hogwarts was. Even though summer had just started, Y/n was already counting down the days as to when her second year at Hogwarts would begin. Being a muggle-born, Y/n did have some out-of school friends, but they were nothing compared to the Marauders. Even though the shipping between Y/n and James did not stop, Y/n didn't have any feelings for James. Well, maybe she did. She just didn't realize it.

In the end, it's all just for the better.
All characters/storylines belong to J.K Rowling except for the ones I made up

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