15 part two

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Year Four

Y/n had to try not to laugh. "Sirius, you must be insane! No way!" Y/n exclaimed. "Honestly Y/n, think about it. We can fake date." Sirius said, trying to persuade Y/n. "And, the Yule Ball is coming! Just wait till you see James' face when he sees you and I dancing together!" he said. Y/n had to admit, it was not a bad idea. She had to get some sort of karma for James, and this was the perfect way to do it. "I'll think about it." Y/n muttered.

"No, Y/n. You won't 'think about it'. You need to tell me right now if this is a good idea or not, because you and I both know damn well that James and Lily are in there flirting and gushing over each other." Sirius whispered. "Okay. Okay, fine, I will fake date you, Sirius." Y/n said, a smile crawling onto her face. "Well Y/n, we're not fake dating yet. I need to ask you out in front of Jamie." Sirius said with a small snicker. The things he would do for his friends surprised Y/n. "Sirius Black, you are a genius." Y/n said truthfully.


Y/n and Sirius made their way back to the Great Hall, where, as Sirius had predicted, Evans and Potter were just all over each other (not literally lmao). Sirius cleared his throat rather loudly, which brought the Marauder's attention to him. Including Potter. Sirius then took Y/n's hands and smiled. Y/n didn't know he was such a good actor. "Y/n L/n, I've had a crush on you for a long time now. You're just stunning and beautiful." Sirius began, looking Y/n in the eyes and Y/n looking back. They shared that glint in their eye, they were both trying not to laugh hysterically. By now, the whole Great Hall's attention was turned to Sirius and  Y/n. "So, Y/n, will you please be my girlfriend?" Sirius asked, his voice clear.

"Sirius, of course!" Y/n exclaimed, putting her acting skills to the test. She even managed to tear up a little bit, for special effects. But then, the part that both Y/n and Sirius were fearing the most came. Since the whole Great Hall was watching, and Sirius basically just asked out Y/n, it was expected that the two would have to kiss. And so they did. The two also wouldn't be able to make it a short kiss, it had to look real. A couple of seconds passed, and Sirius and Y/n pulled apart. Eventually, the Great Hall broke out into wolf-whistles and applause. Except for the one and only James Potter, who seemed absolutely bewildered. Sirius looked at Y/n and winked; their plan was working.

all characters/storylines belong to j.k rowling

who's your favourite character(s)? mine are harry, james, fred, george, and draco :)

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