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He went back downstairs, only to find Remus still asleep on the couch in an awkward position. Sirius went back on to the couch, quietly, and eventually fell asleep next to Remus, who seemed to be in a very deep sleep.

James woke up at the quite late hour of 11:00 PM, only to find himself in his large bed, covered by a huge blanket. He smiled, memories of yesterday slowly fogging their way into his head. He turned around, only to find Y/n sleeping peacefully right next to him. She was also covered by a blanket.

She was motionless, obviously in a very deep sleep. It almost seemed as if she was dreaming. James smiled. He didn't hear any noises coming from downstairs, so he knew that Remus and Sirius were still asleep. Was he surprised? Nope.

James quietly began to get out of bed, so he wouldn't wake up Y/n. "Oh sh-" James began realizing he barely had any clothes on, but stopped talking right away as to not wake up Y/n.

James picked up the closest item of clothing that he could find: a pair of jeans. He awkwardly put them on. James saw the T-shirt that he was wearing the day before on the floor, so he picked it up and put it on. He took his glasses off his nightstand and put them on.

He looked into the mirror, ran a hand through his hair, and quietly opened his door to go downstairs.


"Hey gu-oh." James said, realizing that both Sirius and Remus were asleep on the couch. James shrugged. He made his way to the kitchen to begin making breakfast, but he must have somehow been too loud or something because that had awaken Remus.

"Good morning James," he said quietly, his voice slightly slurred, his hair looking like a rat's nest.

"Morning, Moony." James replied, a small smile on his face. "Did I- uh, wake you up?" Remus nodded.

"It's okay, though, it's late anyways." Remus continued. There was a small, slightly awkward silence.

James felt a bit embarrassed, but then an idea creeped it's way into his head.

"Hey Moony," James said, breaking the weird silence.

"Yeah?" Remus replied, raising his eyebrows.

"Sirius is still asleep." James continued.

Remus tilted his head to the side and knit his eyebrows. "And that means...?" he asked.

"Come on Moony, it's the perfect opportunity to prank him!" James exclaimed, feeling like his 13 year old self saying that.

A smirk slowly grew on Remus' face. "You're right.."

James raised his eyebrows in excitement. "Alright alright alright I'll be righttttt back." James exclaimed excitedly, and proceeded to run upstairs to his room.

He returned with a mega horn.

"James! Where did you- you know what nevermind. Do your thing." Remus muttered, shaking his head.

James kneeled down next to Sirius, who was still asleep somehow. He held up the mega horn to his ear.

"GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE," James spoke into the speaker phone, and it came out as an incredibly loud shout.

The noise made Sirius immediately wake up, and he jumped about 3 feet off the couch and screamed in fear. "GOD James what's going on?!" he yelled, grabbing one of the couch cushions and trying to hit him with it, failing miserably due to his exhaustion.

James and Remus both laughed. But then an expression of fear wiped over James' face.

"What is it?" Remus asked, still laughing a little bit. 

"Y/n probably heard that, she's going to kill me. Tell my mother I love her." James said, and then proceeded to walk towards the front door. He was too late, though, as Y/n was already dizzily making her way down the stairs. 

"Who made that noise?!" Y/n yelled, her voice slightly slurred but still terrifying. She had made her way down the stairs by now. Y/n's hair was a mess, her eyes were cloudy. She had clearly just woken up. 

"It was James! I swear!" Sirius shouted back, raising his hands.

Y/n looked over at James. A pleasant smile fell over her face. 

"Morning, love." James said, trying to be charming as so Y/n wouldn't murder him. 

Y/n approached him and gave him a light kiss on the lips. "Morning." she whispered.

"Uh, excuse me, woah. What happened between you two?" Sirius asked, standing next to a very confused Remus. Sirius himself was also really confused. I mean, yesterday they were fighting to the death and now they're all soft with each other? What?

James and Y/n just looked at Sirius knowingly. Y/n raised her eyebrows.

"Oh." Remus stuttered.

A couple awkward seconds passed, and Sirius was still confused. Then it hit him. 

"oh-OH!!" he shouted, frantically pointing at James and Y/n with his jaw dropped open. 

Y/n chuckled. "Anyways, good morning guys. What are we doing today?" she asked, seeming to be in an awfully good mood despite the fact that she looked like a hot mess. 

James shrugged. "I mean.. we do have a wedding to plan.." he said, and Y/n's eyes lit up. "Yes! James, this is going to be the best wedding ever. Just you wait." she exclaimed, excitement drawn all over her face.

James smiled, a light blush appearing on his pale face. 

"Well, what are we waiting for? I'm gonna go fix myself up, and I'll be right back down to start planning." Y/n said, a huge smile still plastered on her face.

She ran upstairs.

"I can't believe you guys are actually getting married, I mean I know I've said it a million times, but still. Remember when we were all just 14 and you two would be fighting every single day?"  Remus muttered, glancing at James.

"Good times." was all James said.

By now, Y/n was already back downstairs. She had brushed her hair, put on some jeans and a t-shirt, and put some lip gloss on. 

"Alright boys, I have a wedding to plan. Interrupt me in any way and I will kill you." Y/n stated.

James smirked. "But not me, right?" he asked innocently. 

"No, James, especially you." Y/n said, and before he could answer, she was already running back up the stairs. 


this chapter is so horrible??? i'm sorry??? also i haven't uploaded in so long i'm sorryyyyyyyyy

ok anyways see u in the next chapter ily 

- z 

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