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Year Two

It was a new year, which meant new people and new classes. And, of course, new pranks for the Marauders. As the group of 5 sat in the Great Hall, Remus excused himself, apparently because he was feeling 'sick'. Before he managed to get up, James stopped him. "Alright, Remus, we all know your not actually sick. Tell us what's really going on." Y/n said. Remus started stuttering a lot, nobody knew what he was trying to say. He then just tried walking away, but Sirius sat him down. "Ok Remus, you're going to tell us exactly what's been going on." Sirius said sternly, which was surprising judging by his usually kind personality.

Remus seemed to be having a mental debate with himself, but then he spoke up. "Okay, fine. But I'm going to have to tell you somewhere else, where nobody can hear us. "Okay." the other four said excitedly. And so they moved to the boy's dormitories, Y/n under James' invisibility cloak. "Okay.." Remus said nervously. "I'm just going to make this really short. The reason I've been disappearing so often is because-" he said, the other four looking at him in suspense. "I'm a werewolf." Remus said.

Everybody tried to not gasp, but James couldn't take it and he gasped loudly. Y/n slapped him from under the invisibility cloak. Peter seemed to be dumbfounded, but he didn't say anything. Sirius on the other hand, was absolutely bewildered. As if he was remembering something. Remus just stood there, blushing, and trying to stutter an apology. Y/n took this time to speak up. "Remus, just because you're a werewolf it doesn't mean we'll stop being your friend. Honestly, it's kinda cool. You can transform into a whole different form. Anyways, what I'm trying to say, is we love you no matter what." she said kindly. "Yeah! We can even call it your 'furry little problem'." James said goofily. Remus smiled, and Y/n didn't know if she was just seeing things, but she could have sworn he had tears in his eyes.

The group pulled into one of their huge group hugs, then made their way back to the Hall. Remus was surprised to see that the group was talking normally, not uncomfortable to be with him at all. As the Marauders agreed, they decided they would pull pranks on the first year students. Y/n couldn't choose which prank was her favourite; there was the time when the Marauders made a first year's nose start growing endlessly, the time when they put a Tickling Charm on a third-year, and the time when the group made a first-year bald. It was all temporary, though.

- next paragraph is going to be for weasley twin lovers, like me :) -

Today, the Marauders decided to pull a prank like no other. This prank would be pulled on multiple people; the entire school, for your information. The group had been practicing their broomstick flying skills for weeks, just for this moment. Once Y/n sneaked into the boy's dormitories under the invisibility cloak (which was they were used to now), they started talking. "So, you got them?" Sirius asked eagerly. "Right here." James said, pointing to a small box. "Broomsticks?" Remus said. The group of 5 took out their broomsticks. "Well then, let's do this!" Y/n said, and she was very excited.

The fifth year students were taking their O.W.L's, which was very boring. And the Marauders were always there to make any boring situation not-boring.

Y/n started off with a small firework. She set it off in the corridor, which caused a small *bang*. Then James set off a medium sized firework. This time, the noise it gave off was louder. Now, the fun part began. Using a huge firework, all 5 of the Marauders blasted open the giant doors to the Great Hall, where the fifth years were taking their O.W.L's. Soon enough, the entire Great Hall was filled with vibrant, flashing fireworks of different colours. In between all the fireworks, the Marauders were flying their broomsticks. By now, all the students were applauding. James made a signal, and Y/n shouted loud enough for him to hear, "Ready when you are!" With the help from all the 5 Marauders, the group managed to set out a giant dragon-shaped firework. The catch is, it was basically alive. All the overjoyed fifth year students plus the Marauders watched the orange and yellow firework dragon flash before their eyes, and before they knew it the dragon was chasing the teachers. With that, the Marauders all flew out of the school together as the fifth years flooded out of the Great Hall.

The sight was honestly brilliant. Teachers being chased by firework dragons, tons of students applauding the group on broomsticks who started it all, and to top it off, the vibrant fireworks exploding everywhere. Y/n truly thought that she had never been happier in her whole entire life. She could even feel her eyes swelling up with happy tears. But then; she heard an explosion of laughter. She looked behind her, and Sirius, Remus and Peter were setting off a firework that spelt out 'JAMES X Y/N 4 LIFE' Even though Y/n was furious at the three, she didn't have the heart to yell at them. James on the other hand, he was shooting every curse he could think of at the three who set off the firework. He was also blushing, but Y/n didn't notice.

This prank, in Y/n's opinion, was a new record for the Marauders.

- time skip -

As the Marauders entered the Great Hall, all the students there were talking about the day before. Once the students saw the group of 5, though, they broke out in applause. The Marauders took a seat at the Gryffindor table and started talking, as always. "Well, yesterday earned us a month's detention with McGonogall." Remus said. "I think it's completely worth it." James said with a smile.  "Agreed. Except for that one part.. you know exactly what part I'm talking about." Y/n said. "No, actually, n/n (nick name), I don't know what you're talking about. Would you mind explaining it?" Sirius said sarcastically, as Remus and Peter laughed. "I'm going to bed." Y/n said, even though she was trying not to laugh. "Goodnight, Y/n Potter!" Remus yelled.

As Y/n laid down, she thought about the month that just passed. The year was going by so fast. But it was going wonderfully for Y/n.

A couple of minutes after Y/n fell asleep, the boys got bored and went up to their dormitory to sleep. Laying in his bed, James stared at the ceiling. I am totally going to get the boys back for that James X Y/n firework. God, her face was adorable when she saw it. Wait-what? No, she's just Y/n. It's not that I'm going to marry her or anything, that would just be pathetic because we don't like each other. James thought. And with that, he fell asleep.


All characters/storylines belong to J.K Rowling, except for the ones that I made up.

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