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"Alright boys, I have a wedding to plan. Interrupt me in any way and I will kill you." Y/n stated.

James smirked. "But not me, right?" he asked innocently.

"No, James, especially you." Y/n said, and before he could answer, she was already running back up the stairs.


Hours had passed. No, let me correct myself, years had passed in the eyes of James, Sirius and Remus while Y/n was upstairs doing her thing.

In reality, it had just been about 15 minutes.

"Alright, no way we're just gonna sit here and do nothing. What do you guys wanna do?" James asked, glancing at Remus and Sirius.

"I dunno." Sirius muttered. He was sitting upside down on the couch.

Remus sighed. "I wanna go out." he muttered.

"Me too." replied James. "Me as well," replied Sirius.

"Alright, then what are we waiting for? Let's drop by the pub, maybe get a little head start on my bachelor's party." James stated, clear excitement in his voice.

"Let's. But, I'm gonna go tell Y/n that we're leaving." Remus said.

"Oh no you don't, remember what she said to us? Interrupt her and she'd kill us? We should just go. I'm sure she won't even notice that we've left." James immediately replied, a small smile growing on his face.

- t i m e s k i p -

The boys had gotten themselves incredibly drunk.

Let's rewind; they had made their way to the local pub, hoping to just sit back and relax, maybe have a drink or two.

Well, let's just say that didn't happen. The boys started off with a few drinks, which became many, which escalated into wayyy too many.


"I'M GOING TO GET MARRIED!!!!" James shouted at the top of his lungs, raising the drink in his hand. His hair was messy- messier than usual- and his glasses were tilted, up to the point where he was probably having trouble seeing.

Sirius began. "I'm so-" he hiccuped, "happy for you, man," he slurred, a stupid smile plastered on his face. Sirius' hair was a tangled mess, all his sentences were slurred, and his face was all red for some reason. He had probably drank the most out of all three boys.

Remus, on the other hand, had probably drank the least. He was still drunk, somehow. He was really dazed, and anything he said barely made sense.

Long story short, the boys were a mess.

"Another round!" James exclaimed.

The bartender approached them. "You three have already had far too much to drink, I'm afraid it's against our policy to let you have any more." he said sternly.

"Alright, sorry mum!" James joked, followed by  him putting his arms around Remus and Sirius. They started heading out towards the door.

"Wait." Remus said, once they were out the door. He then waited an awkwardly long time before speaking again. "Who's driving?" he continued.


- m e a n w h i l e -

Y/n had been in her and James' bedroom for the past few hours. She had been planning non-stop. Maybe she deserved a little break, maybe see what the boys were doing.

Y/n stood up from her desk and took a deep breath. She opened the door and began going downstairs.

"Hey gu- what?" Y/n said, when she realized that she was the only one home.

She looked around for a bit, checking underneath tables and in closets, to see if the boys were hiding from her for some stupid prank or something. Although, they were not. They must have been out or something.

Y/n began walking towards the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea. And thats when- that's when James, Sirius and Remus burst through the front door like a bunch of idiots.

"Oh my God, you guys! Where have you been?" Y/n exclaimed immediately.

The boys only responded with laughter.

"God- were you at the bar?! Did you WALK here?! You three need to sit down." she continued, and led the boys to the couch.

"Alright, stay here." she said, and walked off to the kitchen.

The boys started laughing for no reason again. When I say they were drunk, they were real drunk.

Y/n returned with a small tray in one hand, and a trash bin in the other. The small tray had three glasses of water on it, and she set it down on the table. The trash bin was just in case, well, you know.

"You three are going to be real hungover tomorrow morning. I mean, what were you thinking? Drinks in the middle of the day? You know- now's not the time. I'll yell at you later." Y/n said.

"I love youuu" James said to Y/n, his voice oddly high. She smiled and shook her head. "How am I attracted to you?" she muttered.

"What's that, darling?" James responded, his eyes foggy.

"Nothing," Y/n replied.

She proceeded to sit down on a nearby recliner, and take a very well deserved nap.

- t h e n e x t m o r n i n g -

As expected, the boys were incredibly hungover. They had been awake for at least 2 hours now, and they still had not left the couch that they had fallen asleep in.

Y/n was still sleeping peacefully on the recliner, and it was well past 11 PM. The three boys didn't have the heart to wake her up, especially since she had worked so hard the
previous night to keep them comfortable.

So we have three extremely hungover Marauders, this can only end horribly.

hii sorry for the sucky chapter & sorry for not uploading for so long ugh i feel so horrible for making u guys wait and then uploading literal trash lmao

also happy new year!!! 2018 is finally over with bless djjsd how did u spend ur new year?

alright anyways thank u for reading!! and see u in the next chapter as always <3

- z

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