44 // part three

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Year Seven

"Okay, but get this. What if we all just became professors here at Hogwarts so we could just stay here forever and never leave?" Remus exclaimed, reluctantly walking around the castle.

Sirius nodded. "Not a bad idea.." he muttered.

Y/n laughed. "Knowing you, Remus, you'd actually do it. I could totally see you being a professor here!" she stated, smiling at her friend.

"Thanks, I think?" Remus replied, tilting his head in confusion.

"Hey I mean, she's not wrong. Professor Lupin. Imagine that." James added, waving his hands in the air to emphasize what he was saying.

Remus smiled, slightly blushing. He looked up at one of the many clocks in the castle.

"Guys.. we only have- we only have 20 more minutes." he nervously said, looking at the Marauders.

"Don't say it!" Y/n shouted, a devastated expression beginning to grow on her face.

"Oh come on, M/n, we're gonna have to leave eventually." Remus continued, sternly raising his eyebrows.

Y/n groaned. "Yeah, I understand. It's just; well, I have a question. We're
still gonna, like, be best friends, right?" Y/n asked, anxiety and hopefulness in her voice.

Sirius laughed out loud. "Ah, M/n, you're too silly." was all he said, a smile on his face.

"So was that a yes, or.." Y/n continued, earning another laugh from the Marauders. "Dummy, of course we're going to stay friends. I mean, we're the Marauders! What else would you expect from us?" James chuckled.

"Prongs is absolutely right. It's silly of you to ask, Y/n. You should know how close we are. We would never split up, remember that." Remus added, a smile on his face.

Y/n nodded. "You're absolutely right." she finished, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Anyways, say your goodbyes, everyone. We have to get going." Remus muttered, waving his hands around as he spoke. All of the Marauders (except Remus, of course,)
groaned in frustration.

"But- but- bu-" Sirius began, as Remus cut him off. "I'm going to miss this place too, Padfoot. But I'm afraid our time here is up." Remus said as he shrugged, sadness overcoming his facial expression.

"Wow, Moony, that was real dramatic. Anyways, shall we spend.. I don't know.. just like another ten or so minutes? We haven't completely covered the entire castle yet, and I know the train won't leave unless it for sure has all of the students on it. Well, at least I hope." James began, as he took another step forwards, as it seemed like he was making his way to the one and only Room of Requirement.

"James, I pray that one day you'll remember that you have a brain." Remus grinned, shaking his head as he slowly started walking alongside the other Marauders.

"Well, to the Room of Requirement it is!" Sirius exclaimed, dramatically pointing to the large wall which seemed bland, but secretly held the Room of Requirement.

"But, uh, you do realize that the room won't open unless we need something from it, right?" Y/n whispered, looking at James.

"No worries. I needed to use the bathroom anyways, it'll let us in" James laughed, earning a face palm from Y/n. "Well, in we go, I guess." she mumbled.

The seemingly bland and normal wall began to become.. not so normal. The bumps and crevices in the wall began to move as if it was some sort of puzzle, looking like an illusion. This went on for a couple of seconds, and before the Marauders knew it, the door to the Room of Requirement was wide open.

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