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Year Four

- y / n -

Y/n woke up the next day, excited to continue the little game of Truth or Dare. It was a Saturday, which meant no classes. Finally.
Y/n skipped breakfast; she was feeling rather nauseous after seeing the Veritaserum on Evan's bedside table. Oh, did I say rather nauseous? I meant insanely nauseous. Why in the world was Evans keeping a bottle of Veritaserum next to her? Was it for studying purposes, or was she planning to use it on somebody? Y/n got dressed, and made her way down to the Great Hall.

Y/n was immediately greeted by her 'wonderful boyfriend', Sirius. "Hey guys.." She said gloomily. Y/n immediately noticed her sad tone, and changed it so nobody would be asking what was wrong. Of course, everything was wrong. "Are you up for our game of Truth or Dare?" she asked, with a much happier tone in her voice this time. "Definitely. I thought of some new dares, just to purely humiliate you all." Remus muttered, followed by a snicker. "I've gotten some treats!" Evans exclaimed. Where did she come from?! "It's Autumn, and I got some pumpkin juice and pumpkin cookies for you all!" Evans said sweetly. What's next, a million pumpkin spice lattes?

Y/n then remembered, the Veritaserum. No, Evans couldn't possibly be that evil. Sneaking a most likely illegal potion into someones drink? Unless.. Just then, Y/n's thoughts were interrupted. By Potter. "So? Are we going to continue that game or not?" he exclaimed, followed by him messing his black hair up. Funny, the last time he'd done that was when he still had a crush on Y/n. "To the common room!" Y/n shouted. "Race you there!" Sirius said, as he started to run up the large marble stairs leading up to the Gryffindor common room.

Y/n arrived at the common room, out of breath from running. Hey, at least she won the race! "Y/n, you won the race, you can go first." Remus muttered. "Alright, let's start this hell game. Potter, truth or dare?" Y/n exclaimed. Potter looked shocked for a moment. "Oh, so we're back to last names, huh?" he said, sounding.. offended? Y/n didn't answer.  "Anyways.. Dare." Potter mumbled. Seemed like his egotistical attitude didn't change one bit. 

"Okay then, I dare you to.." Y/n started to say, but then stopped and started to think. What if, she had dared Potter to try a ton of the treats that Evans had brought.. ? What if the treats did have Veritaserum in them? No, Y/n was now overthinking it. But she would give it a shot. "I dare you to eat as many of those pumpkin cookies as possible!" Y/n said quickly, feeling a tiny bit of guilt as she pointed to the pumpkin cookies.

Potter looked at Y/n and rolled his eyes. "Easy! Lily makes the best cookies!" he exclaimed. Evans smirked. Y/n knew Potter would take extremely long to do his dare, so she brought out her notebook and began to draw.

- around two or three minutes later -

"DONE!" Potter exclaimed as he took a large sip of pumpkin juice, cookie crumbs all over his face. "Nice job.. but clean yourself up, nasty." Y/n joked. It was too early to be able to tell if there was  Veritaserum in that pumpkin juice or not. Potter did look a bit drowsy, but then again he always did. "Well, it's your turn now." Evans said to Potter. "Padfoot!" Potter shouted. God, did Potter not even realize that Evans was sitting right there and the whole Animagus thing was a secret?! "Yes, Jamie?" Sirius answered. "Truth or dare?" Potter asked. Sirius paused for a moment, "Dare." he said.

"Hmm.. I dare you to dump a large goblet of pumpkin juice on your head." James muttered. Oh god. Y/n looked over at Evans. She looked a bit hurt, since she was the one who bought the pumpkin juice and now Potter was daring people to dump it on their heads. What a boyfriend. "Easy!" Sirius exclaimed. He proceeded to grab his goblet of pumpkin juice, and without hesitation, he dumped it all over his head. Everybody, including Evans, laughed at Sirius' appearance. (very orange)

"Peter, truth or dare?" Sirius immediately asked. "Truth." Peter muttered, absent-minded. "Well, who are you asking out to the Yule Ball?" Sirius asked mischievously. Peter thought for a moment. "I dunno.. the only pretty girls are probably taken by now." Peter said. Woah, what happened? Peter was always the shy and scared kid! Whatever. "Except for one." Sirius said, as he smiled at Y/n. "Aww.. that was cute." Y/n said, blushing because of the sweet, yet fake compliment. "Your turn, Wormtail!" Potter said impatiently. Really though, what had gotten into him? Looked like Y/n was just overthinking.. There was clearly no Veritaserum in those drinks. Or so Y/n thought.

"Remus?" Peter muttered. "Truth or dare?" he asked. Remus looked around for a second. "Dare." he replied. Peter seemed like he had no idea what to dare Remus. Potter whispered an idea into Peter's ear. This can't be good. Peter nodded, and then began to speak. "I dare you to give us your notebook and let us read it out loud." Remus looked dumbfounded. He clearly did not want to give away his notebook like that. Y/n had to do something. "What the hell Potter?" she exclaimed. Potter looked at Y/n, a confused expression coming on to his face. "Are you seriously not considering the fact that Remus here might have something private in that notebook?" Y/n began, a slight feeling of anger growing inside of her. "Okay, okay! Calm yourself!" Potter exclaimed. Y/n didn't want to make a big problem out of this little problem. She took a deep breath. "Your turn, Remus."

"Y'know.. I don't want any more arguments. Lets end the game here." Remus suggested. Potter groaned. Y/n nodded in agreement, so did everybody else (except for Potter of course.). "I'll be in the Great Hall. Meet me there." Y/n said, as everybody began to stand up. Potter looked at Y/n and slightly opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something. But, he didn't say anything. Potter just shook his head and walked away. Every day, Y/n's feelings for Potter had started to shrink. Was this a good thing, she did not know. Probably. And every day, her feelings grew for Sirius. Was she falling for him? Probably not. Hopefully not. Either way, nobody knew. Not even Y/n.

In the end, it's all just for the better.

sorry for boring chapter oops

all characters/storylines belong to j.k rowling except for the ones i made up :>

what's your hogwarts house? i'm a gryffindor :>

by the way, check out these cool people (irl friends)


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