62 - honeymoon, part two

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When they eventually arrived at their small yet comfortable hotel, James and Y/n fell asleep almost immediately.


o n e  w e e k  l a t e r


James and Y/n's honeymoon had ended, sadly. Obviously, both of them missed their friends and family back at home, but, this week had been too magical to want to leave. Then again, Y/n's due date was creeping up on them, and the couple was more than excited to have their baby.

Y/n stared mournfully out the taxi cab's window, reminiscing on her trip with her husband. Husband, wow, that felt weird to think. James was her husband now. 

Y/n smiled, remembering how immature they used to be back in their first and second year at Hogwarts. Oh, how Y/n missed Hogwarts... it had been her home for years. Well, she couldn't complain. Y/n still had her friends, and of course, she would always have James.

The two were nearing their home, and before they knew it, they were opening the front door for the first time in one week. 

Once James and Y/n stepped into their house, they no longer felt bad about leaving Paris. This was their home, and despite all the wonders of the world, this was the first place that Y/n and James would always choose to go to.

The two took a moment to glance around their house, both of them so delighted to finally be home. Y/n then proceeded to take her bags and James' bags upstairs to their bedroom. It had surely been a long day of travelling, so Y/n decided to rest her eyes for a moment on their bed.

She slept for three hours. 

James found her asleep in bed about 15 minutes after she went upstairs, so he just decided 'oh well!' and went to sleep by her side.

They were both awaken by a knock at their door; then a pause; and then the sound of keys going through the lock. At first, James and Y/n were terrified out of their minds, but then they remembered, they gave Remus and Sirius a spare key to their house! Which meant...

The couple immediately got out of bed and sped downstairs to greet their friends.

"MOONY! PADFOOT!" James exclaimed, running up to Sirius and Remus to give them a huge hug. Y/n came shortly after, she was so happy to see the other two Marauders. 

"Oh my god, Y/n, James, we missed you so much! Sure, it was only a week, but we missed you so much! How was the honeymoon?" Sirius quickly began, rushing as he spoke as he had a lot to say. James and Y/n looked at each other, not knowing where to start.

Before they even got the chance to say anything, Remus began. "I swear, it was so lonely without you two around, I can't lie, Sirius and I got kind of bored." he stated with a shy sort of smile, as he pulled in James and Y/n for yet another hug.

"Well, guys, we missed you more, believe me! Here, sit down, James and I have a lot to tell you about." Y/n said, with a big smile on her face, as she gestured to the couch.


woah hi!! i hope you liked this short chapter :(, they'll be back to their original length soon ! thank you sooooooo much for the support and comments on these chapters, you have noo idea how much i appreciate it!! 

be sure to leave a comment <3 see ya in the next chapter (hopefully soon hehe)

- z

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