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"You told me to go, so I'm leaving. Bye, Remus." Sirius responded without even letting Remus ask his question. Remus immediately got up and ran towards the door, where Sirius was about to leave.


 "Sirius- what are you doing? Is everything alright?!" Remus immediately exclaimed, regretting every word he had said to Sirius previously. You see, Remus thought this was just another regular argument. Well, when he thought about it, the term 'regular argument ' did not seem like something that a healthy relationship would have. Remus was beginning to worry.

"I'm leaving. As you said I should." Sirius said, once again trying his very best to hold in his tears and his anger. Sirius knew that him and Remus were not perfect, he knew that they would argue, as any regular couple would, but this was just too often. And this particular argument, well, Remus made it seem like he did not care about Sirius at all. Sirius was too hurt this time.

"Sirius, wait, I'm sorry," Remus apologized without a second thought, but Sirius seemed to not even hear him. This was a whole new side of Sirius that Remus had never seen, which is why he was so worried. "Sirius?" he repeated, his voice getting smaller and slightly breaking.

"Sirius, please, I didn't think it was such a serious argument.. please don't leave," Remus whispered, and got a tiny bit of a reaction from Sirius. He almost hesitated to turn back to look at Remus, but it was as if he was too disgusted... too hurt.

"Say something Sirius, I don't know what to do," Remus kept on talking, feeling weaker with every word. Is this how Sirius felt when he was always ignored during an argument? It was now Remus who was trying to hold back tears.  He really wanted to tell Sirius the reason why he was so different recently, but he truly couldn't find the courage to. He was afraid that he would be laughed at or ridiculed, even though Sirius was way too kind to ever do something like that. 

Sirius was now exiting through the door of their small apartment. Remus felt absolutely weak. He had never felt like this.. sure he had been in many arguments with many people, considering his stubborn personality, but it seems like he had just gone too far this time. What Remus needed was to give Sirius an apology-- a good one. But at this point, would Sirius even care to accept one?


"James, I'm not feeling too well." Y/n muttered. She had woken James up from his nap, which is something that she would usually never do, but right now, she was not feeling well at all. 

James slowly opened his eyes. "Huh, you feel like what?" he said groggily, closing his eyes for another moment. 

"I'm not feeling well." Y/n repeated.

James shot up out of bed. "You're not?! Y/n, sit down, I'm going to make you some tea and you need to rest. Do we need to call the hospital, or is this normal?" he exclaimed, his eyes still half open from exhaustion, but his voice sounding very alert.

"Calm down! I- I don't know, I think this might just be normal. I'm in a lot of pain, but-" Y/n had to stop talking for a moment, as she had gotten a sharp pain in her stomach. She winced, but the sharp pain was only temporary. James seemed terrified once this happened, but Y/n gave him a reassuring yet shy smile.

"As I was saying, this might just be another sign of nearing labor. Don't worry James, I'm fine. I just need to rest a little bit. I'm fine" she continued talking. Obviously, James was not feeling reassured at all. If anything, Y/n repeatedly saying 'I'm fine' got him feeling even more anxious. 

"N/n, you just relax. Okay? If it continues, I'm going to drive you to the hospital. Okay? And if it stops, well, then I guess we can both relax." James told Y/n, trying to sound as gentle and comforting as possible, when in reality, he was having his own little freak-out.

Y/n sighed and got into bed so she could try to rest. 

James was about to leave to make Y/n some tea, but she had called him back before he had even left the bedroom.

"James?" she had said, causing James to be by her side immediately just incase something had been wrong.

"Yeah? Are you okay?" he responded quickly, taking a seat on the bed next to Y/n.

"I'm okay. It's just... Thank you for being so caring and loving, James. You're the best soulmate that I could have ever asked for." Y/n said, as it was hard for her to talk too much. She was in quite a lot of pain, but a worried Y/n would mean a worried James.

James' expression immediately softened, and he gave Y/n a kiss on the cheek. "Anything for you." was all he said, before he continued to the kitchen. Y/n knew she had truly found her soulmate. 

 -  t i m e   s k i p  - 

James and Y/n had been an anxious mess. They were both so worried about having their first baby, and as much as they tried to comfort each other, nothing would help. It was a very tense situation. Well, they thought it was. Until this particular morning had come by.

Y/n had woken up way after James, who was already downstairs cooking breakfast for the both of them. She had gone to the bathroom; and that was where the craziness began. 

"JAMES!"  Y/n yelled from the bathroom. James sped up the stairs and stood in front of the bathroom door. "What's going on, are you okay?" he asked without a second thought.

"My water broke!" Y/n exclaimed, and the amount of fear in her voice was enough to make James nearly faint. 

"Okay- oh my God- listen Y/n, we're going to get you to the hospital right now. Okay? You're going to be fine." James reassured Y/n, even though it felt like he was just talking to the bathroom door. He was trying to sound as calm as possible, just for Y/n. He did not want her to freak out, even though she had every right to.

Y/n opened up the door. Her face was so struck by fear, she seemed to be on the verge of tears. James' heart broke at the sight of her so terrified.

"I can't do this, James!" was all she said. 

"You 'can't' do this? Y/n, you can do anything. Come on, we're having a baby. This is one of the biggest days of our lives, Y/n, we're going to be a family." he said, gently placing a hand on Y/n's cheek. This had touched her heart, it made her feel a little bit better. Before she got the chance to say anything, James spoke again.

"Either way, now's not the time. I need to get you to the hospital!" 



okay i'm so sorry for the late chapter!! i really hope you like this one, thank you for being so patient <3 due to quarantine, i'll have a lot of time to try and get the next one out as soon as i can :)

i hope you like it, please leave a comment, i love reading them!!

will remus & sirius work things out? are y/n and james going to stop freaking out? will we find out why remus has been acting different? we will have to wait and see i guess hehe

see you soon <3

- z

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