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Year Four

- y / n -

This is it, Y/n thought. If she caught the shiny golden ball hovering a few feet in front of her, Gryffindor would win the House Cup. This is it.. this is it. Y/n stretched out her arm as far as possible, and slowly but surely wrapped her fingers around the Golden Snitch. Y/n was overjoyed, but nothing could compare to her happiness when the entire crowd of Gryffindors erupted into applause and the commentator announced Gryffindor's victory, while the opposing Hufflepuffs sighed in defeat. Y/n smoothly landed on the ground along with the other players, the Snitch still in her hand. The audience flooded out of their seats to congratulate her.

"PARTY IN THE GRYFFINDOR COMMON ROOM!" Sirius shouted for every Gryffindor to hear.  Y/n wanted to be first to the common room party along with the Marauders, so she took a running start towards the dressing room to change.


After she finished changing, Y/n practically sprinted to the common room, over excited for the sudden party. For once, a Quidditch game didn't end up in horrible luck for Y/n. So far, at least. When Y/n appeared at the door of the common room, all the people there broke out in applause. Y/n blushed. She took notice of the music playing, the sweets set up, an most importantly, the overjoyed looking students.

- 15 minutes or so later -

The party was going brilliantly for Y/n. Whenever a fellow Gryffindor walked past her, she would get either high fived, hugged, or congratulated. Y/n had probably overdosed on cupcakes, but she seriously didn't care. There was only one small downside to the party. Y/n, out of the corner of her eye, had seen Potter and Evans snogging. Y/n had felt an urgent need to slap Evans in the face at this moment, but she didn't. Ugh, that James Potter. Breaking Y/n's heart like that. But, Y/n did not want to ruin her party right now by thinking about this topic. She was here to have a good time.

Sirius seemed to be awfully quiet, as if he wanted to say something but couldn't. He cleared his throat; nobody noticed. "Padfoot, are you alright?" Y/n asked Sirius. Sirius slightly blushed. "Now's the perfect time for the two of us to act like a sweet couple together. James is standing right there." Sirius whispered extremely quietly. Y/n smiled and nodded.

Sirius cleared his throat extremely loudly now ("Are you okay?!" asked a fellow student). "Y/n, you're just the greatest girlfriend. I feel so lucky to have you." Sirius began. Okay, what?! What happened to his funny and strong personality?! "Plus, you're the best at pranking people." he continued. There it is. "So, would you like to go to the Yule Ball with me?" Sirius asked, a smile on his face. "Definitely!" Y/n exclaimed. Instead of a kiss, since that would be too awkward, Y/n just pulled Sirius into a long hug. The Gryffindors watching the 'couple' began to clap and wolf-whistle. There was even a "Lucky you, Sirius!" from the crowd.

But, the best part about all of this, was Potter's expression. Y/n couldn't handle it, she burst out laughing. Potter actually believed that her and Sirius were dating! At least the plan was working, though. Potter seemed both shocked, angry, sad and jealous all at the same time. Evans, on the other hand, had not even been asked to go the ball by Potter yet.

Y/n dragged Sirius near a wall. "It's working! The plan is working, Sirius!" Y/n said excitedly. Sirius nodded and smirked. "Y/n, this will be the greatest prank ever pulled in out generation." he said. Y/n giggled and high fived Sirius. She then proceeded to eat some more cupcakes; hey, they were good cupcakes. As Y/n began to eat her fourth cupcake, (cupcakes are the best lmfao) she noticed Evans walking towards her. "Have fun at the ball, L/n." Evans said, as if she was trying to be kind. "Uh, you too, Evans." Y/n replied. Might as well be nice to Evans, Y/n thought. Either way, Potter was probably going to find some type of messed up way to break Evans' heart.

Y/n looked around at her surroundings, brushing a strand of h/c hair out of her face. Remus actually seemed to be having a good time, he was hanging out with Potter, Evans, and Peter. Peter seemed to be enjoying himself as well. Y/n felt happy for her friends, they all seemed happy. Sadly, though, the party had come to the end after around four or five hours. It was super fun while it lasted.

Y/n went up to her dorm room to rest for a bit, she was truly exhausted. Y/n had no idea why she did this, but she took out the photo album that Potter had given her all of those years ago. She flipped through the photos, herself and Potter seemed so happy to be all together. In fact, all of the Marauders looked very happy in these photos. At least, much much happier than they were now.

- time skip -

October came to an end, and soon enough so did November. The Yule Ball was coming up very soon, two weeks to be exact. And Y/n had nothing prepared. Nothing at all. Y/n sat in her dorm room alone, she had a free period. Until she heard a knock on the door. Y/n opened the door, and standing right there was Sirius. "I bought you something." he muttered, smiling. "Sirius, really. You don't need to do this, you're too kind." Y/n began. "It's for the ball." Sirius shoved a pretty grey shopping back into Y/n's hands. She set the bag on her bed and opened it, a dress.

Not just any dress, a beautiful, stunning dress. A dress that Y/n had dreamed of, but never thought she could find. A dress that Y/n felt was just meant for her. "Sirius, oh my god, it's beautiful!" Y/n exclaimed, hugging Sirius. There were even some slight tears in her eyes. Sirius was seriously (no pun intended) overdoing himself.

Y/n was now over excited for the Yule Ball. "Love ya, Y/n." Sirius said jokingly. Y/n smiled. "Love you too."

Was she joking? Was Sirius joking? Neither of them knew. But, Y/n was happy. So was Sirius. And that's what mattered.


ok ok don't worry, I promise this is still a james potter x reader. just with a bit of drama lel.
who are your least favourite characters? mine are bellatrix lestrange, dolores umbridge, and ginny weasley.
thank you all so much for the reads, comments and votes on this!! i can't express how much I appreciate it!!
all characters/storylines belong to j.k rowling except for the ones I made up!

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