15 part one

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Year Four

Y/n jotted down her notes at an incredible speed in Charms class. She didn't want to forget anything for exams. Clearly, she was the only one who actually cared about her grades, as all the other Marauders always tried getting her to forget about exams and calm down. She took a quick glance up from her notes just to see what was going on around her. Sirius was talking with Remus while Remus was also taking down notes (at a much slower speed than Y/n), Peter was paying attention to what the professor was saying, and obviously, James was flirting with Evans. This time, though, Evans was flirting back.

Y/n looked back down, angry and sad about James. If only there was a way to get James liking Y/n again. Y/n then changed the topic of her thoughts. She didn't need to be thinking about James right now. She started to wonder about current events. For example, there was a ball coming very soon. Apparently, for seventh years, there was this Triwizard Tournament thing. But there was a ball, the Yule Ball, for fourth years and up. Y/n didn't know if she wanted to go or not, depends on if anyone would ask her.

After class, Y/n sat at the Gryffindor table, watching Evans and James flirt. Y/n just sat at the table, listening to her Marauder friends chat. She was just listening, not talking. She was beyond sad and angry at James. But, Y/n was strong. She wouldn't let a silly boy break her heart. Or so she thought.

You see, Y/n was beginning to get over James. She was beginning to feel much better and happier.

Until she saw James Potter and Lily Evans walk into the Great Hall, with linked arms and wide smiles on their faces.


Y/n couldn't take it anymore. She couldn't take hiding and bottling up her emotions like this. Y/n walked up to James, and, well, she was about to start yelling at him, but something inside of her just told her not to. So, instead of yelling, Y/n slapped James across the face as hard as she possibly could. Yes, that's what she did. "Your loss." she whispered in a very rude tone. Before even looking back, Y/n ran up to her dorm room. She sat down on her dorm's bed and started to cry.

Y/n did not know how long she silently cried for. Minutes, hours, she didn't care. What she did care about though, was the fact that James was dating Evans. Or, shall we say, Potter. Potter was dating Evans. How could he do that to Y/n? Just, leave her like that?! Y/n couldn't understand. In the middle of her thoughts though, the door to her room opened. Somebody was clearly under an Invisibility Cloak. That someone just saw Y/n at her weakest moment. Although, Y/n did hope for a split second that it was Potter.

The Invisibility Cloak was removed and.. Sirius? "What do you want?" Y/n said in a dry, cold voice. Sirius then walked over to the side of  Y/n's bed and stood there. "Get up for a moment Y/n?" Sirius asked. Seemed like he wanted to tell  Y/n something in private. So Y/n got up, and followed Sirius under the Cloak. Potter's cloak.

Sirius led  Y/n to her favourite spot. The Black Lake. "Okay Sirius, seriously (no pun intended), what do you want?" Y/n muttered quietly, her tears getting blown away by the breeze outdoors. "Y/n?" Sirius whispered. "What?" Y/n said, becoming rather impatient. Sirius then spoke.

"Let's make them jealous."


hahaha sorry for the cliffhanger!

and don't worry, this is one chapter. just split into two parts.

anyways, i wanna start doing a question for every chapter, since i wanna know you all better. for example, this chapters question will be.. what is your patronus? mine is a white swan :>

thank you all for the great feedback on this!

all characters/storylines belong to j.k rowling except for the ones that I made up.

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