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Year Five

- j a m e s -

Today's the day. James Potter thought, gleefully yet nervously writing down notes in Charms class. A week had passed since the school year began, and it was going pretty well. Today's the day I ask Y/n L/n out. he thought.

James let his mind wander off. He remembered all of the mean looks Lily would give him after he basically dumped her. Pfft.. not that he cared. James also thought about something Remus had told him about a long time ago, the Shrieking Shack. The Marauders had become Animagi for Remus's sake, but they had never truly had the chance to see Remus as a full werewolf. The group of 5 would wander around the castle as animals, but with Remus being a human. James, being the daredevil he was, wanted to hang out with Remus as a werewolf.

Of course, it was very dangerous. But Remus did mention having a potion made specifically for him, to keep him a little bit calm and sane during his werewolf transformations. James had to be honest with himself, he was very excited to see a real werewolf.

- y / n -

After Charms class ended, Y/n tossed her book bag on her dormitory bed, and made her way down to the Black Lake. When she arrived, she sat down, facing the lake. It was dawn, and there were beautiful flowers surrounding her. So, Y/n did the first thing that came to her mind, make flower crowns. Of course, the main reason Y/n was doing this was because she was pretty bored, but part of her wanted to sneak a flower crown onto one of the boy's heads.

As Y/n began to make beautiful flower crowns, she wondered about what Remus had told her. Remus had promised the Marauders that he would let them see him as a werewolf, in a place called the Shrieking Shack. Y/n then began to think about what a werewolf wearing a flower crown would look like.

- time skip brought to you by camp half-blood -

Y/n and James held hands as the Marauders made their way to the Whomping Willow, which lead to the Shrieking Shack. The Whomping Willow was a giant tree, that basically attacked anyone who went near it. The tree was made for Remus, since it had the Shrieking Shack right under it. (the shrieking shack is where remus could transform into a werewolf without having any humans around to harm).

The Marauders turned into Animagi, Peter being a rat, Sirius being a dog, James being a stag, and Y/n being a doe. Oh, and Y/n also forced all of the boys to wear the flower crowns that she made, which was hilarious. Y/n looked at the sky, it was almost midnight. Remus gave Peter instructions for how to immobilize the Whomping Willow, and so he did. Remus decided to go downstairs first, followed by the other four Marauders.

Y/n's heart was racing. What if Remus got hurt, or hurt somebody else? By this point, Y/n had asked Remus if he had taken his potion about 7 times now.  When Y/n arrived at the Shrieking Shack followed by the other Marauders, the first thing that came to her mind was how small the room was. Well, especially for fitting 4 large animals in. "Guys.. I'm going to say this for the last time
As a werewolf, I'm extremely dangerous. If it seems like I'm about to harm any of you, leave me here and run for it." Remus said, his voice slightly shaking. In a few seconds, this regular boy would become a hideous beast.

Y/n heard the familiar ding. It was midnight. The full moon was out. Remus was about to transform into a werewolf, and all of her friends were possibly at risk.

The sight that Y/n saw was absolutely horrible. Y/n was certainly expecting something scary, but definitely not as bad as this. Remus was getting taller, his face was growing a snout, he was getting a hunchback, and his eyes were merciless.  Along with all of this, Remus the werewolf was howling in pain. Y/n looked at her friends, trying to read their expressions. She couldn't because, well, they were in animal form. But, Y/n saw the fear in their eyes. By now, Remus was completely a werewolf.

Y/n was terrified. She had read books and seen pictures of werewolves, but this, this was going to give her nightmares for weeks. James, Y/n, Sirius and Peter were all expecting Remus the werewolf to attack them or something, but it seemed like his potion was doing its job well. Remus still had the deadly glint in his eyes, but he was not trying to harm the group of four, for the most part. James began to make his way upstairs, as he thought it was a good idea for the Marauders to all go outside and roam the outside of Hogwarts. The other 4 closely followed, still terrified by Remus.

Once the Marauders were all outside, Y/n felt a little bit more at peace. Don't get me wrong, she was literally staring at a giant werewolf, but now she knew that if she needed to run away, it would be much easier. And so the Marauders began to walk. They walked around the castle silently, peacefully. Every once in a while, Remus would snarl or growl, but he wouldn't try to attack.

Soon enough, two or three hours had passed, and Y/n was exhausted. So were Sirius, James and Peter. The 4 had just wanted to fall asleep right then and there, but they felt terrible to leave Remus alone. Oh, how much they had regretted not going back to the castle after a while had passed. Because for some strange reason, something had gotten into Remus and he suddenly felt the need to attack. He got on his four legs, and began to sprint towards the other four Marauders.

Y/n tried to scream, but all that came out was some weird noise that a doe would make. Y/n knew, she could not run fast as a doe. So, she turned back into a human and began to sprint. Seemed like the other boys had the same idea, because soon enough James, Sirius, Peter and Y/n were all trying to run away from an extremely dangerous werewolf.

But, the werewolf caught up to them. He roared, raised his arm, and scratched Y/n right across the shoulder. She let out a shriek of pain, and she fell to the ground.

All Y/n could remember was blacking out.


im sooso sorry for not uploading a chapter for a while, I was having some writers block or something like that.
what are you going to be for halloween? ima be a tiger :>
also, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 4K READS!! I seriously can't believe that this cringy story made it up to this many reads/votes.

all characters/storylines belong to j.k rowling except for the ones that I made up :>

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