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Year Four

(small authors note- i'm not going to be making point of views for any characters, comment if you want me to though. anyways, instead of doing point of views, i'm just going to say which character im writing about in the beginning of the chapter. for example, this one will be james. it could change in the middle of the chapter too. but in james' story, lily is lily, not 'evans'. k bye enjoy the chapter <3)

- j a m e s -

James sat down on the cold floor of the empty Gryffindor common room. He couldn't believe it. He couldn't get it through his head. Y/n was dating Sirius.. James wished it was a dream, or a prank, or just non existent. James then remembered, he was already dating the most beautiful girl in the world, Lily Evans. James would prefer her over Y/n any day. He took a look at his watch; his friends and Lily would be coming back from their classes now.

James picked up a Daily Prophet newspaper and started to read it before his friends would be back. "Dark wizard 'Lord  Voldemort' is trying to gain followers, and he is successfully doing so!" James read off of the newspaper. He ripped it in half and laughed. 'Lord  Voldemort'. What a joke.

The door of the common room opened and all of James' fellow Gryffindors walked in, including his beautiful girlfriend, Lily. The Marauders also walked in, but James went straight to Lily to kiss her on the forehead. Y/n and Sirius walked in too, blushing and smiling and flirting with each other. James seriously didn't know how to feel about this. He did have a small crush on Y/n in the past.. but that didn't matter now that Y/n was dating Sirius and James was dating Lily. Or did it?

- y / n -

Y/n sat down on one of the red bean bags in the Gryffindor common room with the Marauders. Sirius and Y/n were sharing a bean bag, just for some more special effect. "Hold on.. I've got it!" Y/n exclaimed. The Marauders, including Potter, glared at her, confused expressions on their faces. "What is it, sweetheart?" Sirius said, smiling. Y/n had to hold in her laughter, as she always did when Sirius called her 'sweetheart' or something like that. "I've gotten another nickname for one of the Marauders.. Sirius in specific." Y/n muttered. "Well? Spit it out!" Potter shouted. He did not intend to be this mean, or loud. What had gotten into him?

"Padfoot. Since Sirius' animagus form is a dog, and what dogs have on their paws are little pads." Y/n explained blankly. All the Marauders smiled and nodded. "Oh, you're just so smart." Sirius said in a flirtatious tone. He was seriously nailing this fake dating thing.

"Ok, so Moony and Padfoot. Nice." Remus said. Peter then began to speak up "I-Iv'e been thinking, and I s-sort of came up with a nickname for m-myself." Peter muttered quietly. "What is it, Peter?" Y/n asked.  All of the Marauders' attention was turned to Peter now. "Wormtail." was all Peter had said. There was silence for a moment, but then James spoke. "I get it. A rat's tail looks like a worm. Clever, Peter." Potter muttered. "So that leaves Y/n and James." Remus stated.

Y/n was expecting Sirius to say something like "Okay good, we can call James 'Obsessed with Y/n' and we can call Y/n 'Obsessed with James.". But he didn't. Sirius knew that he couldn't say things like that anymore. So Y/n ruined the awkward silence. "We'll think of something eventually." she mumbled. "Now, if you don't mind me, Sirius and I will be heading off." Y/n continued. She grabbed Sirius' hand and lead him to the Black Lake.

"This isn't working." Y/n said immediately. "Look, Y/n, I'm doing this just to make you happy. But if you really want me to, I can have a guy-to-guy talk with James about how he feels for all of this." Sirius muttered quickly. Y/n thought for a moment. "Thank you, Sirius. You truly are the greatest friend." Y/n said genuinely, followed by a hug for Sirius. "Let's get back to the castle before everyone thinks we're down here snogging or something." Sirius joked. Y/n giggled, then held on to Sirius' hand since they were heading back to the place where everyone thought the two were dating.

- s i r i u s -

Sirius, holding hands with Y/n, entered the Gryffindor common room, where James and Lily were talking, Remus was alone writing notes, he did look pretty sad. Peter was already asleep. It was rather late, now that Sirius had thought about it. "Well? Are we going to play Truth or Dare or not?" Y/n exclaimed jokingly. The 4 Gryffindors all looked at her, smiles on their faces. "Let's get in a circle, and let the games begin." Remus said slyly.

- y / n -

"Evans, truth or dare?" Y/n said, trying to get some type of revenge for Evans dating Potter. Evans thought for a moment, grasped Potter's hand, and said "Dare." Y/n's plan was going in the perfect direction. "Well, Evans, I dare you to ask Snivellus out." Y/n said, loud and clear so everybody could hear. The expression on Evan's face was hilarious, but the expression on Potter's was simply priceless. "No." Evans muttered.

"Excuse me?" Y/n asked. "I said, no." Evans said, a little bit louder this time. Y/n laughed. "Okay, party pooper." Y/n teased, only trying to make Evans (or Potter) angry. "Well, Ms. Boring, it's your turn." Y/n joked to Evans, who wasn't laughing one bit. Good sign. "Okay, Sirius, truth or dare?" Evans muttered. Sirius looked at Y/n, and then to Evans. "Truth." he said. "And you called me boring, Y/l/n." Evans teased. Y/n couldn't help but smile. "Anyways, Sirius. Is it true that you truly love Y/l/n?" Evans asked.

Y/n and Sirius both were struck by this. Was Evans suspicious? How could she had possibly known that Y/n and Sirius' relationship was fake? Okay, now Y/n was overthinking. "Of course I truly love her, Evans." Sirius lied. "Oh, you're so sweet." Y/n said, holding Sirius' hand to make all of this look real. Evan raised her eyebrow, and nodded. "I'm tired. Shall we continue the game tomorrow?" James asked, well, more complained. "Sure." Sirius muttered

As  Y/n laid down in her dorm bed, right before she fell asleep, she caught notice of a bottle full of something that Y/n knew all too well on Evans' bedside table.



all characters/storylines belong to j.k rowling except for the ones that I made up :>

what's your favourite harry potter book? mine is order of the phoenix :)

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