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Summer of Year One

Y/n L/n's summer was going great, but she missed her friends dearly. Despite the promise the Marauders made to write to each other every day, nobody had much time to do so. Although, Y/n did get a letter from Sirius saying one word, which was y/s/n (your ship name w/ James). Y/n was honestly expecting this, judging by Sirius's sense of humour. Today, though, Y/n was going to write a letter to all of the Marauders.

Y/n would start off with James. She asked James if he was having a nice summer and talked about how much she missed him. Then Sirius. Y/n also missed him very much, so she talked about that. She also mentioned the letter Sirius sent to her saying y/s/n, and she said it would never be a thing. Y/n then wrote to Remus, wishing him luck with his ill mother. Then, she wrote to Peter. She asked how his summer was. Y/n handed the enveloped letters to her owl O/n, and told him/her to deliver them to the Marauders.

Now that Y/n sent the letters, she had nothing to do. So she pulled out her notebook and started drawing. She drew a picture of all the Marauders, including her. Y/n then remembered the photo album James had bought her for Christmas. It had pictures of all her friends and herself. Y/n looked through the photos, and she noticed one she could have sworn wasn't there the last time she looked at the album.

It was a photo of Y/n and James hugging, right after Gryffindor won the House Cup. Y/n smiled at the memory. Being surrounded by all her friends, in the place she could truly call home. Y/n missed her friends a lot, but she also did miss Hogwarts. Y/n then turned her attention back to the photo of her and James. I wonder why people always ship us. I mean, we don't even like each other! Y/n thought. Once again though, she pushed away the thought.

Y/n went back to doodling, until she heard a pecking noise at her window. It was an owl. Who's owl, she did not know. Y/n opened her window for the owl, and it dropped an envelope on her bed. Y/n looked at the envelope. It had her name addressed on the back of it. She opened the letter, and was surprised to see that it was from James. Y/n proceeded to read it.

My summer is pretty good so far, what about yours? I missed you too, much more than I was expecting to. Anyways, my parents are asking me to ask you if you and the rest of the Marauders wanted to stay over for the rest of the summer. Write back your answer!

Once Y/n read the letter, she basically sprinted to her parents. "Mom, Dad, you remember James right? From school? Yeah, he's asking if I can stay over at his place for the rest of the summer! Well, with out other friends of course. So, please please please can I go?" Y/n said quickly, out of breath. Y/n's mother looked at her husband, who nodded. "Oh, alright dear. If it makes you happy." Y/n's mother said warmly. "Thank you!" Y/n said, and with that she ran back to her room.

Y/n sent an owl with her answer for James, and she started packing immediately.

-time skip to James' house-

Y/n knocked on James' door, overjoyed that she would see her friends again. The person who opened the door looked much like an older version of James. "Hello, you must be Y/n L/n. Come in. By the way, I'm James' father." he said nicely. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Potter." Y/n said, trying to make a good first impression. "James and the rest of your friends are upstairs." Mr. Potter said. Y/n thanked him and started to go upstairs.

She took this time to admire the beauty of James' house, it was magnificent. There was even a shelf full of trophies, all dedicated to different members of the Potter family. Y/n then found a door, with a sign on it. The sign said 'MARAUDERS ONLY' Y/n smiled, knowing this would be the room where her friends were. She knocked, and she heard a familiar voice say 'Come in!' Y/n opened the door. There, was James, Sirius, Remus and Peter. Once everyone saw Y/n, they all rushed to hug her, and they started talking about how much they missed her and how boring their summer was.

"So, did you guys prank anyone?" Y/n asked eagerly. Everybody nodded side to side. James was about to say something, until Mrs. Potter came up to tell everyone that they were going to Diagon Alley for school things. Y/n threw on her outfit and went downstairs to meet the rest of the boys.

The way the group travelled to Diagon Alley was.. odd. Y/n had never travelled this way before, it was called Floo Powder. Anyways, once they arrived, they decided to start by getting school robes. The group bumped into Lucius Malfoy on the way there, and that certainly wasn't pretty. When they were getting their school books they also saw Snape, who seemed miserable. Overall, the rest of the summer that they spent together was brilliant. The time seemed to go by so fast, because now Y/n was entering Platform 9/34.

Y/n was greeted by the glowing red train that she loved yet again, the Hogwarts Express. But this time, all her friends were by her side. The Marauders entered the train together, found a compartment and sat down. Just like any other train ride with the Marauders, this one was great. They arrived at Hogwarts and Y/n couldn't be happier. As she watched the first years get sorted, she remember when she was sitting on that same stool and wearing that same hat. But now, Y/n was in her second year, which means more wonderful things to come.

Y/n was secretly hoping that the Y/n x James shipping would stop, but the opposite happened. It became more often. Students in the year above and below the Marauders would ship it sometimes, because of eavesdropping. But, Y/n was still super excited for the year to come. So were the Marauders. You see, they decided to pull every prank on every first year this year.

Oh, this will be fun.

okokok first of all: sorry for the short chapter. Second of all: I'm planning to add MUCH more dialogue/conflict, so look forward to that. Third of all: Tell me if you want me to continue adding the little outfits, I honestly enjoy making them, but if you don't like them please do tell. Fourth of all, thank you for all the reads/votes!! I was certainly not expecting this story to get this many reads so thank you!! And last but not least: All characters/storylines belong to J.K Rowling except for the ones that I made up.

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