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Year Seven


"I like you too, Padfoot." he muttered.

Sirius grinned.

"Oh my gosh.. really??" he exclaimed, happiness overcoming him.

"Really." Remus replied.


"N-no way. This is a sick joke.. right? Right? You're kidding with me, aren't you?" Sirius asked, becoming anxious.

Remus moved one step closer to Sirius, they were about one foot away from each other by now. "Sirius, d-" he began to say, but Sirius interrupted him again. "Who did you plan this with? Y/n? James? Peter? Is this a part of the fireworks prank?" he exclaimed, looking at Remus even more anxiously this time.

Sirius continued to go on and on, tears almost forming in his eyes. Remus had tried to explain, but he would just get interrupted yet again. He had no way to convince Sirius that he really liked him.. Actually..

"and I knew it! I knew you were apart of thi-"

"Sirius!" Remus exclaimed looking Sirius in the eye.

"You're disgusting for doing this, you know that?" Sirius continued, avoiding Remus's eyes.

"Sirius! Listen!" Remus called out for the second time. When Sirius didn't listen again.. Remus had to go to the last option.

Sirius continued to rant, anger and fear all over his face. Tears were halfway down his face now. Clearly he was devastated. Obviously he wasn't planning to listen to Remus any time soon. So Remus went in and did the next best thing.

Remus walked up close to Sirius and kissed him. Right on the lips.

It was a quick kiss, but it had proven a point to Sirius.

When Remus pulled apart, he only smiled.

Sirius's eyes widened, and his mouth dropped a little bit. He glared at Remus.

"Sorry about tha-" Remus began, but was interrupted again. This was a more pleasant surprise though, as Sirius kissed him this time. Remus's eyes widened in shock, but he eventually closed them, holding on to Sirius's neck.

"I'm sorry." Sirius whispered. Remus nodded. "It's okay, you're okay.".

The two pulled apart, keeping their foreheads touching, just looking into each others eyes. Sirius had one of his hands on Remus's cheek, and Remus had his arms around Sirius's neck. The two stayed in that position for a while, enjoying the peaceful silence.

But of course, the door just had to open.

The two jerked their heads to face the door, and were not exactly surprised to see James Potter standing there, his jaw dropped.

Remus let out a long sigh of disappointment. Sirius only smiled awkwardly.

"Oh my god, I knew it! Haha, Y/n won't believe this! So do yo-" James began but was quickly interrupted.

"Please get out James." Remus muttered, facepalming.

"Oh, sorry. Have fun, you two!" James exclaimed, winking.

Remus and Sirius looked at each other once James left. "Well- uh," Remus began. "Let's just go back downstairs, he's probably telling Y/n and Peter everything by now." Sirius mumbled, blushing. Remus only nodded, his usually neat hair flopping up and down.

The two made their way downstairs, resisting the urge to hold hands. It was silent, awkward silence. Neither of the boys knew what to say. They had to just be prepared for Y/n and James to make fun of them until the end of their days.

"Is it true?!" Y/n exclaimed once the two arrived downstairs. "Yes, yes it's true." Remus grumbled, embarrassed. Sirius nodded. She smiled. "So, like, are you two..? Y/n began, waiting for an answer. "No we're not dating." Sirius immediately muttered, taking a seat next to Y/n.

"Aw man, I'm so happy for you two!" Y/n exclaimed, lightly punching Sirius on the shoulder. He smiled, blushing insanely. "So, like, will I be the best man for your wedding..?" James immediately asked, smirking. Sirius banged his head on the table and Remus facepalmed. Looks like they would just need to get used to this.

- time skip brought to you by reddie -

As if Y/n didn't have enough of this, James was acting strange again. Oh, what a surprise. Yowza. She didn't pay him too much mind at first, as she was a little bit used to this behaviour when James was in a bad mood. But this "bad mood" had been lasting for about a week now. James would be.. almost, distant? Nervous? Y/n had no idea.

Nevertheless, though, she was not afraid to ask her boyfriend if he was okay. She knew that James was a truly wonderful person, which is why she needed to know what was wrong.

Y/n had taken James to the Room of Requirement. She knew for a fact that James always was secretive about his problems, which is why she took him to a private place.

"Okay, what do you want?" James asked, looking around at the large room.

"I need to ask you something." Y/n asked shyly, as she took a seat on one of the bright red bean bag seats.

"Shoot." James muttered, sitting right next to Y/n.

"Well.. you've been acting, off recently. I just wanted to check in to see if anything was wrong." she continued, looking James in the eye.

James blushed and smiled, glad that Y/n cared about him this much. Obviously he tried to hide this blush though, I mean it's James Potter that we're talking about here. "Aw, love, that's so sweet of you. But, there's nothing wrong. I promise. I'm all good." James assured, kissing Y/n on the cheek gently.

Y/n smiled and moved closer to James. "Ok, well, I'm glad you're alright. Remember though, I'm here for you just in case you ever are feeling down. Love you." she muttered, yawning.

James smiled lazily and gently moved Y/n closer, she was clearly exhausted. She rested her head on James's shoulder, and fell asleep peacefully.

"Goodnight, love."


sorry for not updating recently!! boring chapter, i kNow.
but, what do you think is wrong with james? is he lying? comment your predictions!
as always, cya in chapter 37!

- the author, zaina

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