Hi guys, so I'm excited to announce that I officially start my junior year of high school on the 31st of this month. I will try to update more consistently, in hopes to help you guys out!!!
So, I've covered nearly all of the tactics and tips I use to survive 'the hell,' and I've decided on doing a chapter on dealing with stress, anxiety, homework and classes!!
(My schedule is above!!)
So, there's no doubt that high school (or any school really) can cause a toll on our bodies and minds. It's a stressing time which leads to a horrible experience.
First things first, if you get too stressed it's okay to take a break.
I really want to stress this because I remember being so done with everything, but I assumed that my education was more important than I was, and I learned the hard way.
I eventually began to take it in stride, and learned how to organize all the stress into categories; focusing on something then having a break, then another.
A favorite of mine, tea, also can really help. You've read my previous chapters, you know how much I adore my herbs, but I insist you at least try some. (Peppermint, chamomile and Twining's 'Christmas Tea,' are my favorites.)
Try to balance your school life with your social life. This is essential, I cannot stress it enough!!! Make sure you save time for friends, and family because time with them is priceless. And you'll regret not doing so.
I have the worlds worst anxiety. Nothing is out of grasp from that little heart-pounding demon. I learned that if you're anxious about something, it's always good to have a little phrase you can mutter to yourself. Try to stick to uplifting and energetic quotes!!
--Again with the fricken tea? --
Yes, for anxiety try green tea. You can choose to buy some that's high in antioxidants, you can also choose to try scented lotion, shampoo or perfume.
There are options for aromatherapy lotions, perfumes, shampoos and even candles. With a wide variety of scents to choose from, think of calming and relaxing smells!!
I also like to easy my anxiety by a regiment of deep breathing. Breathe in for four seconds, hold for four, exhale for four. You can make the time longer depending of the capacity of your lungs.
I also urge you to take up a hobby, perhaps art, music or even video gaming!!
So, if you saw my schedule above you'll notice that it really isn't too busy. I have eight classes per semester, all of which are a year long class except for Current Health Issues (which is a half year class, replaced with anthropology in 2nd sem.)
I have two honors classes; Honors Music Performance- a class that teaches you to become your own musician and hone in musical skills. It requires an intense understanding of music theory, and preferably a class taken by a music student. (Rare occasions a non band/choir kid will join.)
Honors American History- Basic class, just hyped up to scare the living daylights out of any normal kid. Basically we talk about Hamilton and Burr, and Jefferson. ("Where have you been?" "UHHH FRANCE!")
Anyways, pardon the Hamilton quote, back to business. I have two classes that you must try out for, or fit the extensive requirements for; honors music being one of them,
Treble Choir- a women's only concert choir. We're supposed to sound good, but we're usually quite crappy!! 😂I get a lot of homework, but I do most of it at school. I have four 80 minute blocks, so usually our teacher says their spiel and we work.
My advice is do all your work on a timely manor. If you need an extension ask for it, but DO NOT MAKE IT A REGUAR OCCURRENCE!!!! Teachers are more likely to give a good student more time, than a lazy one.
If your work requires to practice an instrument or your voice, try staying after school and using a practice room. If your school doesn't have any, ask if you can go to an empty classroom, or office.
If you have a bad teacher for a core class you can always switch to another class. I tried switching my bio class, but got stuck with this lazy arse teacher who was always on her phone or watching Netflix. #hypocrite
Anyways, that's the easiest way to get it done!
(On average I have 5-6 hours of homework a night.)
Another thing is to accept that it'll take a while to get the work done, don't rush it or your work will be sloppy.
Why write it twice, if you can write nice!?!!!??!?
I do several extra curricular courses. I do pep band, marching band, jazz band, youth court, Im a part of the gay straight alliance at my school as well as the student committee board.
It looks good to have stuff like that on college transcripts!!
Also, we have 24 mandatory community service hours for graduation, and I got them all done freshmen year!! (Marching in the Dempsey challenge, and parades as well as in youth court helping troubled peers who committed a crime.)
Sometimes I volunteer at a local daycare and the local ASPCA!!
I encourage you to have fun in high school!! If you see a club you think you'd like, JOIN IT!! If you think you want to learn a new instrument, LEARN IT!!! If you want to get all good grades, ACHIEVE IT!!
Apologies for not updating, I lost my password a couple months back.
Updates every; FRIDAY & MONDAY
Or when announced!!Q&A in the comments!
Also, comment some things you'd like to see in a future chapter!!
(Also, if anyone can tell me who plays Hamilton in "Hamilton," I'll literally follow you and shout you out because you're amazing!!)
Thanks guys!!
Xx -N

Back To School Tips and Advice
SonstigesIn this book, I'll tell you a whole bunch of ways on how to survive high school. With all of its quirks and flaws, and even gym class!! So, if you do decide to read this book, you await hundreds of surprises on how to hack your school day to make it...