Advice for Midterm Studies

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in so long! But, I'm here now and I'm writing!!

Xx ~M

If you hate midterms as much as I do, you won't want to do jack squat with studying, or taking the tests themselves. So, here are a few hacks and advice on how to ace those satan papers!!

Hack 1.)

For classes you have vocabulary in, instead of hauling around forty thousand flashcards in a day, get the app (or online account) called Quizlet.

I use this for all vocabulary I have and any I get. It makes it easier to study because everything is in one spot! (Link is below for anyone interested.)

It also doesn't just give you flash cards, but games you can learn with.

Hack 2.) (Isn't really a hack, rather a fact.)

I know it's a hated thing amongst practically everyone; but hear me out!!

Studying at night.

Teenagers go though a stage where they stay up later and wake up later, whereas adults go to bed earlier and wake up earlier it's something to do with circadian rhythms (google it if you want more info) We could use this to advantage because if you're up anyways why not study??

But then this brings me to hack 3

Hack 3.)

When you study don't do it all at once. Science has proven that if you study for 15 minutes then take a break for 5, you're more likely to retain the information.

Also, use the reward system!

Hack 4.)

The reward system is one of my favorite ways to study. Keep a snack, or your phone near you but far enough away where it won't distract you, and once it's been 15 (or 20-30) minutes take a break. (For example if Mary Jane studies for her history midterm for 30 minutes she would take a 10 minute break.) Usually with the reward system you use or do something that makes you happy, like soothing your ache to look at your phone or grabbing a snack or going to the bathroom.

Hack 5.)

Staying calm is a big part of studying. Say if you were crazy stressed how would you study? Messily and haphazardly, right?

So, find yourself a comfortable quiet place, light a candle or a scentsy pot, grab a cup of tea or coffee!

And if you get irritated, take a break!

Hack 6.)

I call this one the "nap n' catch."

Before bed, quickly scan over vocabulary or a study final and then go directly to bed.

Science has proven sleep helps retain information, plus scientists have also proven that dreams are usually based upon something recent; so hence the studying.


Alrighty then, so, if you want more tips or would like different ones, there's a previous chapter where I wrote a bunch about studying.

Thanks for being such great readers; and as requested here's an updated version of the demographics!!

Thanks for being such great readers; and as requested here's an updated version of the demographics!!

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Thanks everyone!
Also shout out to @evergreenlester for answering the previous question right!! 


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