Hey guys, so I'm here with my friend Dmitri. He's going to tell you some tips about surviving high school being a guy.
Well, from one lad to another I can tell you, school can be quite difficult. Wether it's from having a crush on a girl, or sports, and even grades I can help out by giving you guys 5 tips on how to survive high school, and ace life.
Hack One-
So, you like a girl. But, how in the name holy hell are you going to ask her out?
(Just so you know, this hack is for shy guys!)
Well, start with actually socializing with her. Tell her her shirt is pretty or you like the way she styled her hair. Do not, try and ask her out the first time you ever talked to her.
Find out what her interests are, and use them against her. If she likes to swim, suggest a pool or beach party. Or perhaps she likes art, go find something artsy and gift it to her.
You have to get her number. That's super important, so if you want to queue her in ask for her number.
At some point she'll look at you. DONT avoid eye contact and act super odd, smile and wave.
Hack Two-
Sports are a big thing to a lot of guys. Lacrosse, soccer, or the American Football, even tennis. So, here are a few ways to ace the try outs and make the team.
First of all, make sure you're properly hydrated, and make sure you eat healthy. A good meal to eat is actually pasta, salad and plenty of water. Also for breakfast, eat fruit and protein to help build muscle and energize you thru the day.
Also, work as hard as you can. Even if you're not feeling well, put your all in, and the coach will notice that.
Hack Three-
Girls really like smart guys. So, to show your smarts and get that girl here's a way to get good grades.
Always study. And before you start to complain, listen: it's easy.
Use flash cards, you can get apps, or even the paper ones. They're really easy to make, and studying everyday before you go to bed ensures you remember them better the next day.
Hack Four-
Go out side of your comfort zone. If you try something new, it will boost your confidence and make you more appealing to people all around.
Hack Five-
Another superb thing to do is definitely taking good care of yourself mentally, physically and emotionally.
Now, I'm not saying that you have to be super fit and athletic: just stay clean, groomed and brush your hair.
So, brush you teeth, use deodorant and maybe even axe (NOT TOO MUCH) and shower.
Always keep yourself clean, the girls will notice.
Well, that's all for now. Check out the next chapter for more in depth tips on organization for both girls and boys!!
-D & M

Back To School Tips and Advice
De TodoIn this book, I'll tell you a whole bunch of ways on how to survive high school. With all of its quirks and flaws, and even gym class!! So, if you do decide to read this book, you await hundreds of surprises on how to hack your school day to make it...